Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 8 March 2017 6.00 pm

Venue: The Tomlinson Centre, Queensbridge Road, E8 3ND. View directions

Contact: Peter Gray  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


1.1   The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 77 KB


2.1   The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record. 


Declarations of Interest - Members to Declare as Appropriate


3.1  There were no declarations of interest.


Community Voice


4.1  Ida made a presentation to the Board around obesity. She considered that work in this was patchy. She said that key issues centred on mental health and support for parents. She referred to the need for increased activity for those with obesity but also highlighted the associated difficulties of air pollution in London. She stressed the need for public involvement. Stakeholders would be invited to OSP meetings. She referred the Board to page 26 of the Board pack outlining those groups to be involved. She emphasised the importance of the whole family approach to maximise impact and that any publicity should also be produced in foreign languages and distributed widely.


4.2 Nadia Sica, Public Health, confirmed that sessions were available to the whole family. Further, Public Health would investigate producing any publicity in foreign language. Penny Bevan, Public Health, confirmed that leaflets and posters were to be produced on this and circulated with a print run of 12000. 



Improving the health of children and young people, in particular tackling childhood obesity and working with pregnant mothers and children aged under five years old - Update report pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:


5.1   Kate Heneghan (Public Health), introduced the progress report providing an update and action plan for Strategic priority in Hackney’s Joint health and Wellbeing Strategy: Improving the health of children and young people, in particular tackling childhood obesity and working with pregnant mothers and children under five years old.




To note the content of the attached briefing and agree or amend the future priorities in the paper regarding the focus on improving the health of children and young people, in particular tackling childhood obesity and working with pregnant mothers and children aged under five years old.




Improving Outcomes for Young Black Men pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


6.1  Deputy Mayor Bramble introduced the report. She told the Board that the Council and local partner agencies had worked with young people and parents to launch a programme to improve outcomes for young black men including education attainment for young black men. She emphasised the need not to stigmatise and that many young black men were very successful. However, there was a disconnect with this group.


6.2  Sonia Khan (Head of Policy) told the Board that since January 2015 there had been wide ranging partnership working in this area, developing a theory of change. Partners from all sectors had been engaged and key drivers to inequality and possible solutions had been identified.   A plan had been developed and was at the appendix to the report. Cross cutting work was ongoing, including on vulnerable adults and men at risk. Work was ongoing with the Clinical Commissioning Group on a set of actions in relation to mental health. It had been suggested that a development session with the Health and Wellbeing Board take place to discuss these issues. 





(1)To note the relevant commitments.


(2) That a development session be arranged to discuss the issue of improving outcomes for young black men.


  Deputy Mayor Bramble



Health and Social Care Devolution - Integrated Commissioning Update pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


7.1  Paul Haigh introduced the report setting out the detailing proposals to establish an integrated commissioning model between the London Borough of Hackney and the Clinical Commissioning Group. Parallel arrangements are also being established between the CCG and the City of London Corporation.

He referred the Board to the big ticket items at 1.35 of the report together with the overarching Governance Structure for Integrated Commissioning. 



(1)  To notes the progress that is being made with integrated commissioning

(2)  To note the specific aims of devolution and integrated commissioning that support the priorities of the HWB and the delivery of the JHWS in paragraph 1.7, in particular:

·  To focus our collective resources on improving the wellbeing of local people;

·  To better coordinate all the determinants of health and wellbeing including employment, education and housing.

(3)  To note the ‘big ticket’ items set out in paragraphs 3.8 to 3.10 and the plans for the system to work together more effectively

(4)To note the proposed reporting arrangements of the Integrated

Commissioning Board set in section 10 of the report.




North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


8.1  Ian Tompkins introduced the report providing a further update to the Board on the development of the North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan and in particular the shadow governance arrangements, which were currently ‘work in progress.’


8.2  The Board emphasised the need to be clear on what was achievable within limited resources over a period of time and to ensure evidence based delivery plan. Further, it was considered that some services would be developed and provided across a wider Boroughs’ footprint.




To note the update on the North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan.


Performance Monitoring Framework - for information pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


9.1  Penny Bevan introduced report providing an update on progress across a selection of shared local indicators, using a refreshed Health and Wellbeing dashboard, and incorporating amends as discussed at the march and July 2016 Board meetings.  It was noted that the dashboard was intended to be used for monitoring and reviewing progress across key areas and assessing the impact of the 2015-18.  The Board considered the latest performance and trends in relation to the refreshed data set.




To note the report


Dates of Future Meetings - 7th June 2017


10.1  The meeting will be on Wednesday 7th June 2017.