Agenda item

Land within the North Western Part of Olympic Park Planning Delivery Zone 5: East of the River Lee Navigation, South of Eastway and West of the former alignment of Waterden Road




The London Borough of Hackney (LBH) supports the principle of the Media Centre (MSCP, IBC, MPC) in the location proposed and the provision of employment floor space in Legacy


The London Borough of Hackney objects to the proposed design and appearance of the MPC.  The proposed facade treatment is considered to create a long monotonous appearance, with particular concern relating to the long frontage facing Hackney Wick.  Materials are unclear with a long run of ‘corrugated metal’ type composite panel cladding not considered to be acceptable with submitted imaging of this cladding within the application documents portraying it as poor in quality and appearance.  Furthermore, massing information has not been supplied to support the current proposal and it is considered that the MPC does not relate well to the scale of the existing residential built form nor to the surrounding open spaces within the Olympic Park.


The LBH objects to the provision of a permanent commercial building (MPC) that does not meet the sustainability aspirations required by the s106 of the Outline Planning Permission, and those expected within the London Plan and LBH emerging Core Strategy with regard to sustainable design and construction.  Submitted documentation mentions a ‘Roadmap’ towards a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating in Legacy.  No information, documentation or agreement has been submitted to give evidence of this.




Observations to the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) regarding the submission of Reserved Matters for the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) and Main Press Centre (MPC) and Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP) to provide details of the layout, scale, appearance, materials and access during Games mode, together with supporting information and details of telecommunications provision pursuant to conditions OD.0.18 (Reserved Matters submissions), OD.5.1 (Multi Storey Car Park) and OD.0.24 (Telecommunications) of outline planning permission reference 07/90010/OUMODA.


(Councillor Desmond arrived before the start of the item and took part in the vote).


6.1  The Planning Officer introduced the report, as set out in the agenda.  Reference was made to the addendum which set out the comments from the LBH Policy Team, Transportation, Design Review Panel, CABE and the ODA.


6.2  Councillor Desmond raised concern regarding the design of the building and felt that it should be a building of architectural significance and provide a significant legacy.


6.3  The Chair wished to clarify the issue of permeability and which sections of the building would be removed in legacy mode.  The Planning Officer explained that he was still unsure on the East/West connection and had requested further information.  The Chair requested that an informative be added to express the LBH’s aspiration for greater permeability around the area.  This was AGREED.


6.4  The Chair also asked whether the application included the provision of a green roof and the Planning Officer stated that little detail had been provided on sustainability and that he had requested further information.  The Chair was keen to keep the sustainability credentials up and requested that an informative be added which listed what the Council expected in relation to BREEAM and sustainability.  This was AGREED.


Unanimously RESOLVED that:-


The London Borough of Hackney (LBH) supports the principle of the Media Centre (MSCP, IBC, MPC) in the location proposed and the provision of employment floor space in Legacy;


The London Borough of Hackney objects to the proposed design and appearance of the MPC.  The proposed facade treatment is considered to create a long monotonous appearance, with particular concern relating to the long frontage facing Hackney Wick.  Materials are unclear with a long run of ‘corrugated metal’ type composite panel cladding not considered to be acceptable with submitted imaging of this cladding within the application documents portraying it as poor in quality and appearance.  Furthermore, massing information has not been supplied to support the current proposal and it is considered that the MPC does not relate well to the scale of the existing residential built form nor to the surrounding open spaces within the Olympic Park;


The LBH objects to the provision of a permanent commercial building (MPC) that does not meet the sustainability aspirations required by the s106 of the Outline Planning Permission, and those expected within the London Plan and LBH emerging Core Strategy with regard to sustainable design and construction.  Submitted documentation mentions a ‘Roadmap’ towards a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating in Legacy.  No information, documentation or agreement has been submitted to give evidence of this.




1.  Further information is required regarding the massing of the proposed Media Centre complex (MSCP, IBC and MPC as a group of buildings).  The submission of a massing study is requested for further comment by LBH on the proposal.  It is suggested that the edges of the Media Centre complex evolve into a more refined urban form which could accommodate the specified uses but also provide a progressive transition between uses and urban forms;


2.  Further information is requested regarding technical details outlining the technical feasibility to transform the two storey portion of the MPC into smaller commercial units;


3.  Further information is requested regarding materials and the submission of material samples to further consider the proposed cladding treatments on the IBC, MPC and MSCP;


4.  The LBH is concerned with the design quality, design lifespan, proposed materials and sustainability credentials of the IBC.  This building has the potential to spark regeneration in accordance with LBH emerging policies.  However, in its current configuration, it is difficult to perceive how the IBC will contribute to a meaningful Legacy aspiration.


5.  Conditions LTD 1.28 and LTD 2 of the approved Outline Planning Permission relate to the removal of temporary buildings and timing of occupancy of permanent buildings post Games.  If approval is granted to the IBC as a temporary structure, it would be assumed that the IBC would have to be removed relatively quickly post Games to appease these conditions adding to the likelihood that the IBC would not form part of any Legacy plan;


6.  The LBH would like to see the IBC designed and built with a longer lifespan and the flexibility in design to provide a high quality building and studio space.  This should be undertaken on advice from potential end users to ensure a high quality and desirable building is left in Legacy;


7.  The future-proofing of the site should allow more flexibility and take on board the themes and recommendations within the Hackney Wick and Fish Island masterplan with regards to connecting to Hackney Wick;


8.  The LBH believes it is paramount that the conversion strategy to the MSCP is produced now, prior to any decision being made on the Media Centre application.  This document should include any new replacement development envisioned for the site;


9.  There is concern with how the Games time roads will be transformed into Legacy layouts (giving considerations to operational aspects such as servicing) especially with infrastructure that is unlikely to be changed during Legacy transformation (such as road pavements and utility corridors).  It is considered that additional communication is required from the ODA at the current time for this purpose.  This is needed to agree road layout, construction details and supervision of the construction;


10.  The submitted drawings refer only to the Games mode and it is unclear how the Legacy transformation access layout will appear.  There are concerns that by approving this application it will be force the LBH into accepting this layout for Legacy when it may not have been appropriately designed for post Games use;


11.  Access to Eastway and A12 Lea Interchange - As this intersection is a key access point for the Legacy operation of the site it is assumed that the Legacy transformation road and junction layout is still being developed and will be reviewed in due course.  It is noted that if previous layouts were to be adopted as part of the Olympic Legacy use, the applicant will need to submit a full Transport Assessment including a Transport Impact Assessment to the Council for approval.  In its previous state, the layout was considered unacceptable and there is a fear that the proposed layout will cause serious adverse impacts to the surrounding area;


12.  It is expected that the roads to be constructed within Hackney are to be built to Hackney specifications if they are likely to be proposed for adoption;


13.  The Technical Report titled “Accommodation for Loading and Unloading of Vehicles” indicates that secure cycle parking will be provided at Victoria Park. The location and type of end of trip facility and pedestrian access route from Victoria Park to the Olympic Site is of interest to LBH.


14.  The vehicular access route information provided indicates that both coaches and cars will exit the transit mall and the MSCP to Eastway and then return to the Olympic site’s Northern access point via Eastway.  LBH does not expect that MSCP vehicles will exit the IBC/MPC site to the left and head in a westerly direction via Eastway.  If the application is approved, a condition to this effect is expected;


15.  If Eastway is to be closed to public traffic, information should be provided as soon as possible to allow LBH to adequately plan for the road closure;


16.  There are concerns about commenting on these proposals without a fuller understanding of the security overlay which could effectively undermine the basis of the application and our comments.  The ODA needs to make every effort to ensure the security overlay is included within the application, even if this is indicative, with LBH requesting that this information be submitted prior to the application being considered;


17.  When the final detailed design of all buildings on site is confirmed along with all noise mitigation measures, these should be made available to all statutory consultees for comment;


18.  The application states that little information is available on the exact details of background (baseline) noise measurements made for Location 5a.  The project provided a Baseline Noise and Vibration Monitoring Strategy which the results of should be used for this purpose. This would do away with any assumptions within the body of the submitted noise report (specifically Paragraph 3.22);


19.  More certain proposals regarding noise associated with the temporary structures is also required.  This would enable a more conclusive scenario to be built taking into consideration the cumulative impacts of all noise sources in order to provide any necessary mitigation measures;


20.  Should the future strategy for building services in the MSCP require the use of mechanical plant, assessment for this should be done accordingly and made available to all statutory consultees for comment;


21.  The LBH Pollution Team would like a report based on a BS 4142 assessment to be submitted when the final design details have been confirmed for all Legacy buildings and when all the plant equipment is in place;


22.  Access arrangements and hours of the operation of the Loop Road are requested by LBH Pollution Team;


23.  Connectivity is critical to the long term success of the Media Centre site.  East/West links should be designed into any meaningful Legacy scheme.  Any scheme that would compromise these east/west links would not be supported by the LBH;


24.  The LBH expects the provision of playing fields on the Media Centre site in accordance with the s106 of the approved Olympic Planning Permission;


25.  The LBH would reiterate its stance that Olympic venues should be looking to reduce car parking numbers as much as possible.  This is the view LBH has always taken;


26.  When approaching the site on the A12, the rear of the MSCP is the dominant view.  Careful consideration of the transformation of this building in Legacy is paramount to providing an acceptable vista onto the Media Centre site.  More detail on the transformation of this building is requested;


27.  The ODA has reconfigured the site several times with the most recent relocating the catering village and satellite farm within the site.  Therefore, any amendment to the site layout to provide a quality development should be explored rather than dismissed;


28.  The LBH Design Team, Design Review Panel and CABE have all identified the external appearance of proposed buildings to be unacceptable.  It is disappointing that the ODA’s response to this requests that a condition be placed on a decision (should the ODA Committee be minded to grant planning permission)requiring further exploration of cladding types to improve the external quality of buildings in Legacy.  The LBH expects that as a reserved matters application, details as fundamental as cladding are subject to any approval and therefore does not consider this alternative an acceptable solution or response to those design concerns raised;


29.  The Legacy reconfiguration of the MSCP needs to be seriously considered at this stage of the development.  To say that a condition of the Outline Planning Permission only requires it at a later date does not reflect a desire to holistically address all site issues with anything approved at this stage potentially compromising any flexibility in Legacy;


30.  The draft LMF does not consider ‘Higher Education Use’ on-site as the longer term Legacy vision.  LBH considers this response by the ODA as an appropriate use to undermine the Legacy aspirations of the Borough;


31.  The potential pillar free studio spaces within the IBC of 10,300 and 12,400 sq.ft would not meet modern studio requirements as they are rectangular in shape (not square) with ceiling heights required to be 12m and not the 9.5m as proposed;


32.  Aspiration for greater permeability …………………..


33.  Sustainability ……………………………..



Supporting documents: