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Agenda item

Application for a Premises Licence - Red Planet Pizza, 26 Kingsland Road, E2 8DA




The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information presented to it within the report and at the hearing today has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:


  • The prevention of crime and disorder;
  • Public safety;
  • Prevention of public nuisance;
  • The protection of children from harm;


the application for Late Night Refreshment be refused in accordance with Licensing Policy LP4, LP5 and LP13 within the Council’s licensing statement.


Reasons for the decision


The Licensing Sub-Committee, having heard from the Applicant, Responsible Authorities and Other Person at the hearing and having considered the documents provided both in support and against the application, was not satisfied that the exceptional circumstances had been met for a venue that is situated in one of the busiest parts of the Shoreditch SPA.


The Sub-Committee believed that by granting extended hours and thereby a premises licence, it was likely to add to the negative cumulative impact that is already being experienced, by enabling more people to stay in a location that already has an extremely high footfall, for an even greater period of time. This would seem likely to exacerbate the crime, disorder and public nuisance related issues and thereby increase the problems from which the area is currently suffering.


Careful consideration was also given to the proposals put forward by the Applicant in trying to demonstrate that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. However, the Sub-Committee accepted that the acute problems suffered by the concentration of premises in this specific location was so great that the proposals submitted by the Applicant did not alleviate their concerns.


In making this decision, the Sub-Committee accepted that there had been an improvement in the operation of the premises since the Applicant had taken over the premises and as such the outcome may have been different if the premises was outside of the Shoreditch SPA. Notwithstanding this, the Sub-Committee, when having particular regard to the concerns raised in relation to LP13 within the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, felt that they would not be promoting the licensing objectives if the application was approved.




The Principal Licensing Officer introduce the report to members of the committee. Members were advised that environmental health had withdrawn their representation.


The Applicant was invited to the committee to make his statement. It was explained that the applicant would not demonstrate any disturbances as residents experienced with the previous premises licence holders. The Applicant highlighted that they respected the nearby neighbours.


The Licensing Offer made an objection as a responsible authority. It was explained that the premises was located in the Shoreditch Special Policy Area (SPA) therefore Policy LP13 applies. The Committee was advised that it was the Council’s policy that was a relevant representation is made to any application within the area of the Shoreditch SPA, the application will be refused unless there are exceptional circumstances.


The Police Service also made a representation, PC Ryan explained that this premises was located in one of the busiest stops in Shoreditch as there was a long bank of licenced bars surrounding it. The Police were familiar with the application as the police received it when the licence holders consistently breached their conditions, therefore the premises was revoked. Members were advised that people naturally loitered outside and around a hot food establishment during the early hours of the morning. The Polices requested that the premises ceased operation at 23:00 Monday- Sunday.


The Committee welcomed the other persons to make there representations the following points were raised:

·  Noise nuisance

·  Crime – many attempts had been made to break into neighbours properties, camera door bell had been broken beyond repair.

·  Large congregations of people. Fights occasionally broke out.

·  Excess litter

·  Intoxicated people.


The applicant explained that during the first week of operation they were unaware that the licence has been revoked but after a visit from the Police they were advised that the premises was revoked and did not trade after 23:00.


The Members of the committed queried what the exceptional circumstances for the application were. The Applicant advised that they would put any measure to stop public nuisance and highlighted their good character and respect for surrounding neighbours.




The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information presented to it within the report and at the hearing today has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:


  • The prevention of crime and disorder;
  • Public safety;
  • Prevention of public nuisance;
  • The protection of children from harm;


The application for Late Night Refreshment be refused in accordance with Licensing Policy LP4, LP5 and LP13 within the Council’s licensing statement.


Reasons for the decision


The Licensing Sub-Committee, having heard from the Applicant, Responsible Authorities and Other Person at the hearing and having considered the documents provided both in support and against the application, was not satisfied that the exceptional circumstances had been met for a venue that is situated in one of the busiest parts of the Shoreditch SPA.


The Sub-Committee believed that by granting extended hours and thereby a premises licence, it was likely to add to the negative cumulative impact that is already being experienced, by enabling more people to stay in a location that already has an extremely high footfall, for an even greater period of time. This would seem likely to exacerbate the crime, disorder and public nuisance related issues and thereby increase the problems from which the area is currently suffering.


Careful consideration was also given to the proposals put forward by the Applicant in trying to demonstrate that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. However, the Sub-Committee accepted that the acute problems suffered by the concentration of premises in this specific location was so great that the proposals submitted by the Applicant did not alleviate their concerns.


In making this decision, the Sub-Committee accepted that there had been an improvement in the operation of the premises since the Applicant had taken over the premises and as such the outcome may have been different if the premises was outside of the Shoreditch SPA. Notwithstanding this, the Sub-Committee, when having particular regard to the concerns raised in relation to LP13 within the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, felt that they would not be promoting the licensing objectives if the application was approved.



Supporting documents: