Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 6 March 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Room 102, Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street, London E8 1EA. View directions

Contact: Peter Gray  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


1.1  The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and those present introduced themselves.


Apologies for absence


2.1   Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Tracy Fletcher and Laura Sharpe.


Declarations of Interest - Members to Declare as Appropriate


3.1  There were no declarations of interest.


New Members on the Health and Wellbeing Board

To note new members on the Board:


·  Dr Sue Milner (Interim Director of Public Health) and

·  Rubert Tyson (Chair, Hackney Healthwatch)


4.1  The chair welcomed Rupert Tyson (Hackney Healthwatch) to the his first meeting of the Board.  She reported that Dr Sue Milner had been appointed as interim Director of Public Health and would become a member of the Board.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 71 KB


5.1  The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.


Community Voice


6.1 Jon Williams introduced this section of the meeting and the work of the organisation ‘Bags of Taste’, whose purpose was to change the diets of people who either are in or who face food poverty away from being dependent on highly processed and takeway foods to regularly cooking good, tasty, home-cooked food for themselves and their families and stressed the positive impact on the lives of participants. He told the Board of the big challenges involved in prevention.


6.2 Alicia Weston (founder) and Linda Green and Jim Farley told the Board of their experience with of Bags of Taste. Jim told the Board that he attended on a course with the organisation and was now a volunteer. He had been reliant on take away food and was surprised at how easy it was to cook food. He now regularly shopped and cooked food. He told the Board of his resultant weight loss. Linda told the Board of her experience. She had got so much from the experience and as a result now loved cooking and shopping. She told the Board of the value of cooking from scratch and the fact that she had made financial savings as a result.


6.3 Alicia told the Board of the positive impact on participants with their lives changing for the better, building a community and a diverse mix of people.


6.4 David Maher asked what support could be offered to assist the work of the organisation. Alicia told the Board that funding was a key issue for the organisation and that there were difficulties around getting referrals. 









Prevention work stream update pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


7.1  Jayne Taylor introduced the report providing an overview of the Prevention work stream’s key priorities and current programme of work.

The report considered how the work of the Prevention work stream could be aligned with and inform the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  Hackney continued to be one of the most deprived Boroughs with problems around areas such as smoking and obesity with the latter being more of a problem. Jayne Taylor told the Board of the reliance on working with wider partners. She referred the Board to the key prevention work streams as follows:


·  Reduce the harms from the main preventable causes of poor health

·  Take early action to avoid or delay future poor health

·  Support and enable people to manage their own health and wellbeing


In relation to making every contact count a two year programme of work was being developed to scope, co-design, test and embed a local approach to this across Hackney and the City. 


7.2  Anne Canning told the Board that the Outcomes Framework now had a more refined dashboard. The Board stressed the importance of work on air quality in the Borough, working locally with partners. 




To note the report


Integrated Commissioning Governance Review pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


8.1  Devora Wolfson introduced the report. She told the Board that a strategy had been agreed with work ongoing on outcomes and that there was now more cohesion among the work streams. The governance structure was split into three layers: the integrated Commissioning Board, the Transformation Board followed by the four work streams. Jon Williams asked about public access to Accountable Officer Group and it was noted that the Groups’ terms of reference was to be submitted to the Integrated Commissioning Board and that it would not be open to the public. It was further reported that this body would not have delegated powers. 





Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


9.1  Jack Gooding introduced the report on the prevention Concordat for Better

Mental Health. The concordat promoted evidence-based planning and commissioning to increase the impact on reducing health inequalities. Signing the Concordat was an opportunity to share work to create resilient communities and build momentum in a shift to support prevention activity. It was noted that the concordat would promote evidence-based planning and commissioning to increase the impact on reducing health inequalities.


9.2  Councillor Tom Rahilly (Mental Health Champion) told the Board that this work was linked to the Young Black men programme and work was on-going in schools in relation to mental health. The Board agreed that the impact on different groups should be highlighted in the concordat. Deputy Mayor Bramble stressed the importance of the proper inclusion of children in schools in relation to prevention.  




To sign up to the Prevention Concordat for better mental health, reflecting the local system’s commitment to the topic.




Date of next meeting - 12 June (Provisional)