Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Sub-Committee - Wednesday 2 September 2020 6.30 pm

Venue: Until further notice, all Council meetings will be held remotely. The Youtube livestream link for the meeting is as follows:

Contact: Gareth Sykes , Governance Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


1.1.  Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Joseph, Levy and Race.


Declarations of Interest


2.2   There were no declarations of interest.


Consider any proposal/questions referred to the sub-committee by the Council's Monitoring Officer


3.3  There were no proposals or questions referred back to the committee.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting


4.4  There were no minutes ready for consideration at the meeting.


2020/1667 Land at Wimbourne Street London N1 7HB pdf icon PDF 649 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, planning permission was GRANTED subject to conditions and completion of a Unilateral Undertaking (UU).


5.1  PROPOSAL : Demolition of existing garage buildings and construction of one six (6) and one eight (8) storey residential building providing 59 residential units, a ground floor commercial space (A1 use class), a new games area, new and replacement car and cycle parking and

associated landscape and public realm works.



Submission of Health Impact Assessment and Fire Strategy;

Submission of revised Drainage Strategy, Air Quality Assessment and Transport Statement.


5.3   The Planning Officer introduced the planning application as set out in the   meeting papers pack.  During the officer’s presentation reference was

  made to the addendum and the following:


An updated Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Rev A) prepared by SES and dated August 2020 was received to replace the previous Arboricultural Impact Assessment (SES, May 2020).


An updated Planning & Affordable Housing Statement (Rev 1) prepared by Tibbalds and dated August 2020 was received to replace the previous Planning & Affordable Housing Statement (Tibbalds, June 2020).


Officer Response: These documents were updated to ensure consistency with the Design & Access Statement in regard to the number of trees felled. Both documents are published online and there is no material change to warrant reconsultation.


Paragraph 6.7.18 amended to read:

Policy LP43 of LP33 states that development will be permitted where it enables new residents to make journeys by active modes and policy LP42 requires development to provide cycle parking in accordance with appendix 2 of LP33. Requirements as set out in appendix 2 of LP33 include a minimum of 1 space per 45sqm dwelling and 2 spaces for every dwelling above 45sqm.

Additionally, the development is required to provide 1 space per 10 bed spaces for visitors and 1 space per 25 units for visitors (minimum of 2). The proposed development includes the provision of 128 long stay cycle parking spaces and 24 short stay/visitor cycle parking spaces across the site.


Paragraph 8.1.6 amended to read:

Demolition and Construction Logistics Management Plan

No development shall take place until a detailed Demolition and Construction



Management Plan covering the matters set out below has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be implemented in accordance with the details and measures approved as part of the demolition and construction management

plan, which shall be maintained throughout the entire construction period.

- A demolition and construction method statement covering all phases of the development to include details of noise control measures and measures to preserve air quality (including a risk assessment of the demolition and construction phase);

- A demolition and construction waste management plan setting out how resources will be managed and waste controlled at all stages during a construction project, including, but not limited to, details of dust mitigation measures during site clearance and construction works (including any

works of demolition of existing buildings or breaking out or crushing of concrete), the location of any mobile plant machinery, details of measures to be employed to mitigate against noise and vibration arising  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


2020/1576 Land of Buckland Street N1 6TR pdf icon PDF 579 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, planning permission was GRANTED subject to conditions and completion of a Unilateral Undertaking (UU).



6.1  PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing garage buildings and construction of three, six (6) storey residential buildings providing 54 residential units, a flexible, ground floor commercial space (A1, B1, D1, D2 uses), a new ball court, games area, new and replacement car and cycle parking and associated landscape and public realm works.




Health Impact Assessment


Revised Air Quality Assessment

Landscape Statement Addendum

Amended Civil engineering drainage strategy, prepared by Momentum

Given the scope of the minor revisions within each of the documents further consultation was not required.


6.3  The planning officer introduced the planning application, as outlined in the report, and during the course of their presentation reference was made to the addendum and the following:


  Paragraph 4.2.1 should read:


Letters of consultation were sent to 2021 adjoining owners/occupiers. At the time of writing the report, 4 objections and 1 general comment were received in the form of individual representations. These representations are summarised below:


Paragraph 6.7.16 should read:


London Plan policy 3.6 and LP50 seeks development to provide play and informal recreational space. Policy LP50 and the Mayors SPG Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play and Informal Recreation

recommends 10sqm of dedicated playspace per child for future provision. Based on GLA calculations, the child yield for the development is 31.9 children, thereby resulting in a requirement to provide 318.8m2 of designated play space to meet both policy LP50 and the GLA requirements. The calculator envisages the development will generate 13.2 children under five and therefore does not specify a separate requirement for doorstep playable space. Table 4.7 of the SPG states

that a development with such a yield of children should provide between 300-500m2 of on-site local playable space. The development proposes to provide a total of 362m2 of doorstep playspace and 184.9m2 of ballcourt playspace through the relocation and refurbishment of the

on-site MUGA .

Paragraph 6.9.33 should read:


Additionally. with regards to outlook, it is emphasised that the windows located on buildings locatedin closer proximity to the proposed villas; i.e. Cherbury Court block and Crondall Court block, are serving rooms within the neighbouring units that benefit from other windows. As such, these neighbouring units will continue to enjoy a positive level of outlook both towards the proposed buildings and to other orientations.


Paragraph 8.1.7 should read:


External Lighting


Prior to the occupation of the development, a detailed external lighting plan detailing light coverage and spill (including lux levels) across the site and sensor details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: To safeguard against adverse light pollution.


6.4  Hackney Council’s Head of Housing Supply Programme made a brief statement in support of the application. This project was the second of the three projects in the Hoxton West area which in total would deliver overall 186 new homes with 60 per cent being affordable homes as part of the council’s housing supply programme delivering affordable homes in brownfield sites. As previously mentioned during agenda item 5, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


2020/1788 Disinfecting Station, Millfields Road, London, E5 0AL pdf icon PDF 578 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, listed building consent was GRANTED, subject to conditions.


7.1   PROPOSAL: Roof repairs; refix of front lead dome; removal of ceiling plaster; replacement of box gutters; redress existing lead-work; removal of 9 courses of brickwork to rear extension and demolition of lower flat roof and front lean-to roofs; boarding up of all windows and doors; and other repairs as included in the submitted schedule of works.


There were no post-submission revisions.


7.2  The senior planner introduced the application as set out in the report in the meeting papers and during the course of his presentation he made reference to the addendum and the following: 


Replace paragraph 8.1.4 - Expert supervision with:


Before work begins it shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority the appropriately qualified professional specialising in conservation work who will supervise the hereby approved works of alteration or demolition. Any proposed changes to the agreed supervision arrangements shall be subject to the prior written agreement of the



REASON: To ensure that special regard is paid to protecting the special architectural and historic interest and integrity of the building in conformity with Section 16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and to ensure that special regard is paid to specific architectural features or fixtures and to ensure the fabric is protected from damage during the course of works.


7.3  The council’s Principal Conservation and Design Officer gave a brief overview of the history of Disinfecting Station. The Governance Services Officer agreed to circulate information on the history of the station to the committee members and planning service after the committee meeting.




For:  Unanimous


RESOLVED, listed building consent was GRANTED, subject to conditions.


Delegated Decisions document pdf icon PDF 342 KB


The committee noted the document.