Issue - decisions

Media Centre

10/05/2022 - Land within the North Western Part of Olympic Park Planning Delivery Zone 5: East of the River Lee Navigation, South of Eastway and West of the former alignment of Waterden Road



The London Borough of Hackney (LBH) supports the principle of the Media Centre (MSCP, IBC, MPC) in the location proposed and the provision of employment floor space in Legacy


The London Borough of Hackney objects to the proposed design and appearance of the MPC.  The proposed facade treatment is considered to create a long monotonous appearance, with particular concern relating to the long frontage facing Hackney Wick.  Materials are unclear with a long run of ‘corrugated metal’ type composite panel cladding not considered to be acceptable with submitted imaging of this cladding within the application documents portraying it as poor in quality and appearance.  Furthermore, massing information has not been supplied to support the current proposal and it is considered that the MPC does not relate well to the scale of the existing residential built form nor to the surrounding open spaces within the Olympic Park.


The LBH objects to the provision of a permanent commercial building (MPC) that does not meet the sustainability aspirations required by the s106 of the Outline Planning Permission, and those expected within the London Plan and LBH emerging Core Strategy with regard to sustainable design and construction.  Submitted documentation mentions a ‘Roadmap’ towards a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating in Legacy.  No information, documentation or agreement has been submitted to give evidence of this.