Agenda item

ACQUISITION OF 39-43 ANDREWS ROAD (Forward Plan No NR10 C33)




1.  To agree that the Council proceeds to purchase the freehold interest in 39 – 43 Andrews Road from the vendor at the agreed price all as detailed in the attached Exempt Appendix A and to authorise the re-sourcing and spending of these monies.

2.    To authorise the Director of Legal and Democratic Services to agree the terms for the contract and to complete the purchase of 39 – 43 Andrews Road on behalf of the Council.

3.  To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Legal & Democratic Services to enter into agreement and other necessary legal documentations required to implement the required proposed acquisition on behalf of the Council.

4.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed to appoint a surveying firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to provide market valuations on each of the existing depot sites identified for potential disposal and to advise on the best form of redevelopment of these sites which will maximise the Council’s capital receipts.

5.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed with appointing an architectural firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to submit a planning application for the intended change of use to a car pound. 

6.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed with appointing an architectural firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to provide detailed drawings for a full planning application for the proposed Hackney Homes Depot development. Submit a change of use planning application and submit a full planning application for the intended future Hackney Homes Depot use.


RECEIVED The report.


Ian Williams, The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources, detailed the reasons for the report being considered under the special urgency provision as detailed in Rule 19 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules set out in the London Borough of Hackney Constitution. The reason provided was as follows:


In order that the council does not lose the opportunity to acquire 39-43 Andrews Road, The Mayor has been asked to take the decision himself under the special urgency provision.


Ian Williams  confirmed that consent had been given by Councillor Simche Steinberger, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to take the decision upon the acquisition of 39-43 Andrews Road as it could not reasonably be deferred until the scheduled Cabinet meeting on 26 October 2009.  Ian Williams introduced the report and stated that an asbestos report had been obtained via the vendor’s agents and that an environmental desktop report had been carried out.  In reply to a question from Mayor Jules Pipe, James Croydsill, Valuation Surveyor, confirmed that the site at 39-43 Andrews Road was big enough to accommodate other Council vehicles such as the purple buses and meals on wheels buses.  Discussions with officers from Parking Services would need to take place around this issue.  Ian Williams stated that if the decision was made to purchase the site this would need to be completed within 10 working days of this meeting.




1.  To agree that the Council proceeds to purchase the freehold interest in 39 – 43 Andrews Road from the vendor at the agreed price all as detailed in the attached Exempt Appendix A and to authorise the re-sourcing and spending of these monies.

2.    To authorise the Director of Legal and Democratic Services to agree the terms for the contract and to complete the purchase of 39 – 43 Andrews Road on behalf of the Council.

3.  To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Legal & Democratic Services to enter into agreement and other necessary legal documentations required to implement the required proposed acquisition on behalf of the Council.

4.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed to appoint a surveying firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to provide market valuations on each of the existing depot sites identified for potential disposal and to advise on the best form of redevelopment of these sites which will maximise the Council’s capital receipts.

5.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed with appointing an architectural firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to submit a planning application for the intended change of use to a car pound. 

6.  To authorise the Corporate Director of Finance & Resources to proceed with appointing an architectural firm from the new Neighbourhoods & Regeneration Local Framework contract for Professional Services to provide detailed drawings for a full planning application for the proposed Hackney Homes Depot development. Submit a change of use planning application and submit a full planning application for the intended future Hackney Homes Depot use.