Agenda item

The City Academy (u/c), Homerton Row, London, E9 6EB




Planning permission be GRANTED, subject to conditions.



Variation of condition 9 (secure bicycle parking) of planning permission ref. 2007/2226 to reduce the number of cycle parking spaces from 220  to 130, of which 50 will be in place on opening, with the remaining 80 to be provided within three years.


14.1  The Planning Officer introduced the report, as set out within the agenda and explained that the consultation dates given in 4.1 and 4.2 of the report were incorrect.


14.2  Mr Emmerson (Headteacher, City Academy) was in attendance to answer any questions that arose.


14.3  The Chair wished to confirm that the land was allocated for the cycle spaces and the Planning Officer assured the Sub-Committee that it was.


14.4  Mr Emmerson explained that the application had come back to committee as if the Academy was to provide 220 cycle spaces, as previously agreed, they would have to lose some trees and playground space.  He added that it was unlikely that pupils would use a bike, as the majority of them lived within half a mile of the school.


14.5  In response to a question asking whether there was any space available for potential future cycle spaces, it was explained that there was some potential space if felt necessary.  Mr Emmerson added that they had undertaken a student survey where concerns had been raised about the potential reduction in playground/amenity space.


14.6  It was expected that there would be 200 pupils in total in the first year and 40 members of staff.  The number of pupils was then expected to rise by approximately 180 a year.  By completion, the City Academy was expected to eventually have approximately 1,250 pupils and 80 permanent and 80 support staff.


14.7  Members again raised concern about the small number or cycle spaces being offered in relation to the expected number of pupils and staff, however it was again reiterated that the majority of pupils lived within a half a mile radius.


Unanimously RESOLVED that:-


A)  Permission be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:



1.  SCM9 – No extraneous pipework

No soil stacks, soil vent pipes, flues, ductwork or any other pipework shall be fixed to the (street) elevations of the building other than as shown on the drawings hereby approved.


  REASON: To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory and does not detract from the character and visual amenity of the area.


2.  SCI3 – No roof plant

No plant (including all external enclosures, machinery and other installations; excluding solar water-heating and/or photovoltaic cells) shall be placed upon or attached to the roof or other external surfaces of the building, other than as shown on the drawings hereby approved, unless planning permission for such is sought and granted separately.


  REASON: To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory and does not detract from the character and visual amenity of the area.


3.  SCH3 – Containment of parking

No parking of vehicles arriving at or departing from the premises shall take place other than within the curtilage of the premises.


REASON: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or public safety along the neighbouring highway(s).


4.  SCH5 – Provision of parking, turning and unloading space

No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until accommodation for car parking, turning and loading/unloading has been provided in accordance with the approved plans, and such accommodation shall be retained permanently for use by the occupiers and/or users of, and/or persons calling at, the premises only, and shall not be used for any other purposes.


REASON: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or public safety along the neighbouring highway(s) and to ensure the permanent retention of the accommodation for parking/loading and unloading purposes.


5.  SCH8 – Parking for people with disabilities

Before the use hereby permitted first commences, four car-parking spaces shall be marked and retained permanently for use by the vehicles of people with disabilities close to the entrance to the building.


  REASON: In order to ensure that a reasonable minimum of parking spaces are located conveniently for use by people with disabilities.


6.  SCH10 – Secure bicycle parking

Secure, covered parking shall be provided for fifty bicycles in the form of Sheffield stands (or an alternative approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority), before use of the development commences, with a further eighty spaces to be provided before the expiry of the school’s third year of operation, details of the siting and appearance of all such bicycle-parking provision to be submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing before use of the development commences.


REASON: To ensure that a reasonable provision is made within the site for the parking of bicycles in the interest of relieving congestion in surrounding streets and improving highway conditions in general.


7.  SCH11 Adequate visibility

Adequate visibility shall be provided to the highway within the application site above a height of one metre from footpath level for a distance of three metres on one/both side(s) of the permitted points of vehicular access, in accordance with details to be approved by the Local Planning Authority before any work on the site is commenced, and be so maintained.


  REASON: To provide a suitable standard of visibility to and from the highway and to ensure that the use of the access does not prejudice the free flow of traffic and conditions of general safety along the neighbouring highway.


8.  NSC1 – Non-standard condition

The building shall achieve a minimum BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’, and certification to that effect shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and acknowledged in writing prior to occupation of the building.


REASON: In the interests of maximising the environmental performance of the building.


9.  NSC2 – Non-standard condition

The applicant shall enter into a s278 agreement with Transport for London (TfL) to pay a contribution (to be specified by TfL) towards the estimated cost of highway works (including an upgrade of the existing zebra crossing, as well as making good any damage to footpaths on Urswick Road and Homerton High Street resulting from construction).


  REASON: In the interests of making good the highway following construction of the development hereby approved.


10.  NSC3 – Non-standard condition

  The applicant shall enter into a separate s278 agreement with the Council and pay £172,424.00 towards works to Homerton Row, Fenn Street, Furrow Lane and the pedestrian passageway connecting Homerton Row and Homerton High Street.


  REASON: In the interests of making good the highway following construction of the development hereby approved.




11.  NSC4 – Non-standard condition

  A school travel plan (STP) based upon – and including – a travel survey must be produced and submitted to the local planning authority within the first year of operation.


  REASON: In order to establish demand for cycling and form a basis for providing an appropriate level of cycle-parking.


12.  NSC5 – Non-standard condition

  An updated school travel plan (STP) must be produced and submitted to the local planning authority before the expiry of the school’s third year of operation, to include annual travel surveys taken since the first STP following the school’s opening, and setting out where additional cycle-parking facilities will be provided.

REASON: In order to establish demand for cycling and form a basis for providing an appropriate level of cycle-parking.




1.  The following policy contained in the Hackney Unitary Development Plan (1995) is relevant to the approved development/use and was considered by this Council in reaching the decision to grant planning permission: EQ1 - Development Requirements.


2.  The following policy in the London Plan (Consolidated with Alterations since 2004) is relevant to the approved development/use and was considered by this Council in reaching the decision to grant planning permission: 3A.24 - Education facilities and 3C.22 - Improving conditions for cycling.


Supporting documents: