Agenda item

Community Diagnostic Centres - impact in Hackney (20.15)



6.1  The Chair stated that the purpose of this item was to receive an update on NHS NEL’s wider plans for Community Diagnostic Centres and the Hackney impact.  It was noted that this had been discussed at INEL JHOSC but on a pan NEL basis.


6.2  He welcomed for the item

Louise Ashley (LA), CE of Homerton Healthcare  and Place Based Leader for City and Hackney, NHS NEL

Rob Clarke (RC), Chief Finance Officer, Homerton Healthcare



6.3  Members gave consideration to two tabled notes:

  (a) NEL Community Diagnostic Centre update

  (b) Report on (future use of) St Leonard’s


6.4  The Chair outlined the history of CDC plan and explained that it appeared that Lower Clapton Surgery was currently in a final short list. He asked when would the decision be known and would there be a new building.


6.5  RC took members through the briefing note.  It was noted that a decision was due by the end of February. The available funding to make the changes needed in Lower Claton wasn’t yet in place but they were trying to recycle underspends from elsewhere to fund this proposition.  The alternative option, the Spoke Model, might end up the preferred option however, as it would be covered within the existing budget envelope. He added that there was an absolute need for these services and so they were pushing hard.  One of the requirements for CDCs was that they cannot be located within an Acute site. 


6.6  The Chair asked if the other alternative, the Spoke Model would put it outside of Hackney.  RC replied that it would but if Hackney got it the Homerton would be contracted to run it and this would really complement their current staffing models as they could run joint rotas etc because of the proximity of Lower Clapton site. LA added that Homerton Healthcare had an excellent reputation in diagnostics and with a need for a site in this part of NEL there was no reason why it shouldn’t get it.  The Chair asked to be kept informed.





CE of Homerton Healthcare to inform the Chair as soon as a decision was made on the siting of the proposed Community Diagnostic Centre.



6.7  The Chair asked for an update on the St Leonards site. He explained that the Homerton had been looking at the possibility of an Asset Transfer but 8 days previously the government had intervened generally stopping the process of asset transfers to Trusts completely so that the previous plan was now ‘dead in the water’ and we were returning to a degree of uncertainty.


6.8  RC took Members through his briefing note. He explained that relations with NHS Property Services had been complex, both sides having different approaches and priorities. In the past two months there had been a change of leadership and they had started to engage much more with NEL ICS about the use of this site. They had invested £3m this year for example in replacement windows. They were now setting up a large programme of work with them on how to move on and make better use of the site.


6.9  The Chair asked what functions and services would stay or move. LA replied that they were very keen to further develop clinical services there as the public liked going there. The more admin functions need not be there of course and she welcomed the closer attention being paid to it by Property Services. RC added they would expand the Ark service there. The national picture had changed considerably on facilities and had improved.


6.10  Sally Beaven (Interim ED, Healthwatch Hackney) offered their support on engaging local residents to be part of the conversations and also assisting on the wider engagement programme. LA thanked her for this. MA praised the St Leonard’s site and argued that it must be retained and developed. He asked what more could be done on the discharge delays at the Homerton.  He argued that more step-down and rehab facilities are badly needed and St Leonard’s could be part of the solution.


6.11  Cllr Turbet-Delof (Mental Health Champion) asked that mental health services for young people should be considered as part of the mix at St Leonard’s..


6.12  The Chair thanked everyone for their helpful comments and the officers from Homerton Healthcare for their update.



That the report be noted.


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