Agenda item

2021/0275: Yetev Lev Boys School, 111 - 115 Cazenove Road, Hackney, London, N16 6AX




Planning permission was granted subject to conditions and a Section 106 legal agreement.


8.1  PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey roof extension to provide an additional 7 classrooms at third floor level for existing students; rooftop playground and balustrade above including increase in brick wall at second floor level to allow extension of eastern core to provide access to playground; extension of central lift shaft to provide roof access; raised parapet; 15 air conditioning units on roof with enclosure; and access ramp with balustrade and stairs to provide ground floor access.


POST SUBMISSION REVISIONS: Noise Impact Assessment, Construction Logistics Plan and revised plans were received Consultation was carried out on these documents.


8.2  The Planning Service’s Major Projects Planner introduced the planning application as set out in the published report. During the course of the officer’s presentation reference was made to the published addendum and the following amendments to the application report:

·  Comments were received from two objectors outlining their previous comments following publication of the report. The comments raised have been addressed in the officer’s report;

·  Additional paragraphs were added at paragraphs 3.15 and 4.2.3;

·  An additional condition, 8.1.15 Air conditioning units, was added.


No persons were registered to speak in objection to the application.


8.3  The agent for the applicant spoke giving a brief overview of the scheme and its benefits.


8.4  A discussion took place where a number of points were raised including the following:

·  Concerns raised by local residents about excessive noise were being addressed by the Council’s Environmental Health team;

·  A condition had been included to ensure that the rooftop playground had been designed with an acoustic boundary;

·  The playground would be restricted to 60 children at any one time, Mondays to Fridays.  The playground was set down into the roof which would allow sound to travel upwards mitigating against noise breakout;

·  The application had been submitted on the assumption that there would not be an increase in the number of students on site. The inclusion of additional classrooms were to allow those students already on the school roll to have smaller class sizes.The planning application allowed Hackney Council to cap the number of students at the school’s current total number. The school was made up of a number of different buildings and that the cap only applied to the development of site under consideration at the meeting;

·  If there was a breach of condition regarding the cap the Council could use its enforcement powers;

·  The Committee noted taking away 60 children from the ground floor to use the rooftop playground would reduce the amount noise coming out of the ground floor;

·  The proposed mansard would be taller due to the rooftop playground. Overall though the Planning Service found the design  acceptable;

·  The surrounding area was varied in nature with school buildings, low terraced houses and other flat developments with different heights;

·  On the issue of amenity impacts, the buildings to the north were sufficiently set away from the main school building and would not be impacted by loss of light or overlooking. The building to the east, 117 Cazenove Road, had north and south facing windows and the building line on the southern elevation in particular was even with the existing building and that the Planning Service had concluded that there was no impact. On those concerns raised about the amenity impact on the north-facing building, the planning service had concluded that it was already experiencing  overshadowing, the proposals would not make a noticeable difference;

·  Zinc standing seam materials were proposed and would be conditioned.



For:  Cllr Desmond, Cllr Krautwirt, Cllr Laudat-Scott, Cllr Narcross, Cllr Sadek, Cllr Race, Cllr Webb and Cllr Young.

Against:  None.

Abstention:  None.




Planning permission was granted subject to conditions and a Section 106 legal agreement.

Supporting documents: