Agenda item

City and Hackney ICP/ Place Based Partnership - update from NHS NEL (20.30)


7.1  The Chair stated that the Commission and INEL JHOSC had regularly discussed the development of the new Integrated Care System for North East London over the past few years and that on 1 July the 7 CCGs in East London would finally be replaced by NEL ICS.  He had asked officers to provide an update which focuses on the local element - the Place Based Partnership - and how that will interact with the new NHS NEL structure.


7.2  He welcomed to the meeting: Nina Griffith (NG), Director of Delivery for City and Hackney, Place Based Partnership, LBH/NHS NEL.


7.3  Members gave consideration to the ‘City and Hackney ICP/ Place Based Partnership’ and NG took Members through it in detail.  It covered: introduction to the ICS; the operating model; developments for City and Hackney; City and Hackney’s proposed Place-based Partnership governance within NEL ICS; Strategic focus areas for the City and Hackney Place-based Partnership and Proposed governance of North East London Integrated Care System.  NG explained that now there would be 7 place based partnerships under the ICS including one for City and Hackney, so C&H moving to become a place based partnership was not a big shift as it had partnerships structures running effectively for some time.  She explained that Cllr Kennedy would continue to chair the local place based partnership which will be renamed the City and Hackney Health and Care Board. It was the ‘City and Hackney Integrated Care Partnership Board’.  In the new world the providers will be in the room for commissioning decisions and this puts the onus on them to focus on the Partnership over their individual organisation’s priorities. Three priorities have been agreed for current work by the C&H Health and Care Board: Mental health, Supporting greater financial wellbeing and Increasing social connection.


7.4  The Chair asked for the reasons why there would be no financial delegation to the local system in the first year. NG explained it was to ensure a smoother operation while structures were bedding in.  There were also pots of non-recurrent money that the local system could control. The Providers will have service allocations that they bring to the table locally and they can determine locally in the C&H HCB how this money could be moved around.


7.5   A Member asked what proportion of the budget comes down to City & Hackney. NG replied that you need to distinguish between the allocation for the City and Hackney population out of the total ICS budget and then the delegation amount which will go to CH HCB to spend. This won’t be devolved in the first year and it’s not yet clear what the 23/24 percentage will be.  The Chair added that this is something on which the Commission needs to keep a watching brief.


7.6  The Chair asked about the fair distribution of funding across NEL and how in the past Hackney was comparatively well funded but a change to weighting of age vis-a-vis deprivation would adversely impact Hackney. NG explained the key people who will be involved. Louise Ashley, the incoming Homerton CEO, will be the System or Place Leader for City and Hackney and she will have a  Director of Delivery (Nina) and a Partnership Clinical Lead (Dr Stephanie Coughlin). She reminded them that she will report to Louise and to Helen Woodland in the council so both to the NHS and the Council.


7.7  The Chair asked if a third role under the System Leader was still envisaged. NG said this would be up to Louise Ashley once she starts in October.  NG offered further briefings outside of committee, if required.



That the report and discussion be noted.


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