Agenda item

Performance Report




To note the performance indicators, the Risk Management Scorecard and the current monitoring update.


5.1  Bruce Deville introduced the report providing an updated set of key performance indicators together with an update on risk management with a Corporate Scorecard summarising high risks and some accompanying commentary on the Council’s risk approach. The report also set out the latest capital programme monitoring and an analysis of forecast spend to the original and revised budgets. He highlighted the following:


·  High levels of staff sickness;

·  High levels of rent arrears;

·  Continued pressure for the Planning Department to meet local targets although statutory targets were being meet;

·  Income from PCNs had increased;

·  Work was to commence on measures of performance management across the Board with an increased outcomes focus;


7.2  The Chair expressed concern that the level of rent arrears continued to

increase and stressed that Council Tax income was important to the Council’s viability. He referred to the fact that making contact was essential. He asked for any forecast in relation to quarter 4.


7.3  The Director of Neighbourhood and Housing Finance told the Committee there had been a slight reduction in arrears from the end of quarter 3 to £15.2m. Productivity measures were now in place with a target of 1400 home visits per month with an increase in notices and reminder letters. Households would be signposted to sources of support. In relation to quarter 4 a marginal improvement was expected. The impact of the new arrangements would be tracked and those tenants who could afford to pay rent would be targeted.


7.4  Councillor Lynch stressed the need to consider how to deal with staff absence within the existing workforce. She queried whether the Workforce Strategy had been prepared.


7.5  The Group Director of Finance and Resources highlighted:


·  That Human Resources was ensuring that all managers were aware of the position with regard to sickness in particular long standing cases. 50 top cases had been identified, considering ways to address;

·  A process was in place to assist those staff make choices they need to make and that managers are confident in this process;

·  An update on sickness levels would be made to the next meeting.


Action: The Group Director Finance and Resources 


7.6  Councillor Gordon asked for an update on the backlog of Housing Benefits cases.


7.7  The Group Director of Finance and Resources told the Committee that it was expected that those cases affected by the Cyber-attack would be cleared in the coming weeks. There would, however, continued to be the challenge of legacy cases.  


7.8  The Chair stressed the need to a review of data sources on performance

  and that the matter could be taken up by the new Chair.


7.9   Jackie Moylan highlighted the following:


·  Construction

·  COVID-19


In response to the Chair she confirmed that if these factors were removed the target set would have been met.


7.10  The Chair emphasised that among the reasons for the decrease in housing capital was to fill the deficit which would impact on repairs and the state of stock.


7.11  The Corporate Risk Adviser highlighted the following in relation to Corporate Risk:


·  That current risks remained unchanged;

·  Risk around Cyber-attack remains;

·  A range of financial risks;

·  Impact of the Ukraine war;

·  Cost of living crisis;

·  Pressures on Adult Social Care and Children’s services;


7.2  In response to the Chair Matt Powell confirmed that Cost of living crisis

  and incomes would emerge as risks.




To note the performance indicators, the Risk Management Scorecard and the current monitoring update.

Supporting documents: