Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Update


 6.1  The Principal Public Health Specialist introduced the report. At the November 2021 and January 2022 meetings, the Health and Wellbeing Board had agreed to the three priorities (mental health, social connection, financial security) in the draft strategy, as well as suggestions for ways of working to deliver on them.


6.2  The formal consultation period opened for a 12 week period on 21st November 2021 and closed on 17th February 2022. The Public Health team attended 36 stakeholder and resident meetings, during the consultation phase, and consulted with over 370 stakeholders who attended the meetings, to gather feedback on the draft Strategy across organisations and resident groups that work with Hackney residents. There had been 300 responses to the consultation document. 100 of which were paper responses. In total over 1,400 residents and wider stakeholders had been consulted to help to shape the strategy. The responses had been supportive of the priorities in the strategy with helpful suggestions for partnership working. The final consultation document would be published in due course. The aim was to publish the report at the end of March 2022. 


6.3  The strategy had been discussed at a closed session of the Board prior to the public section of the meeting to consider the  amendments made to the Strategy after the consultation and to consider how partners would work together to deliver on the 3 priorities. An Action Planning Group will be established to deliver the priorities in the strategy and identify any gaps and identify these in the action plan. It was anticipated that the action plan would be launched in June/ July 2022. 


6.4  The Public Health Specialist stressed that the co-production element of the strategy would be taken forward into the action planning phase, and within  the monitoring and evaluation phases. There would be a need to have effective communication across the partnership in regard to the action plan and links into the Integrated Care Partnership Board, with quarterly updates to the Board, in addition to ensuring that wider partners are aware of progress on the priorities. Good suggestions had arisen from the closed session on proposed methods of working together through the partnership to champion  support and implement the strategy within partner organisations. 


6.5  The Director of Public Health thanked all those involved in developing the strategy. She confirmed that although 3 priority areas had been identified, the overarching aim was to reduce inequalities and health inequalities in particular. There was a need to pay particular attention to applying the anti-racism approach and not to just consider access to services within this approach.  There was a need to consider the systemic issues that needed to be addressed.


6.6  Mayor Glanville referred to the collaborative work that had taken place with the community during the pandemic, with the development of strategic approaches. He concurred with the views of Dr Sandra Husbands. He referred to good discussion in the closed session of the meeting and emphasised that the strategy was a collective document. Mayor Glanville thanked all those involved in the development of the strategy, in particular in relation to the energetic work during the engagement and consultation Strategy phases  to engage residents .


6.7  The Chair thanked all those involved in developing the strategy and stressed its importance and the future work to deliver on the priorities.




·  To note the consultation progress


·  To approve the Strategy document


·  To agree next steps for action planning


·  To accept the proposal of an action planning group, to develop the HWB Strategy action plan.


·  To appoint working group members from their partnership organisations to take the planning forward.

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