Agenda item

King's Park Moving Together project (19.02)



4.1  Members gave consideration to two reports

  (a) Briefing on Kings Park Moving Together project

(b) Note from Sport England ‘People & places the story of doing it differently’


4.2  The Chair welcomed to the meeting:


Lola Akindoyin (LA), King’s Park Moving Together, Head of Programme, LBH

Warren Leigh (WL), Strategic Lead – Local Delivery, Sport England

Jeanna Brodie-Mends Sanderson (JBMS), Director and Strategic Coach, Journey Before Success CIC – one of the providers


4.3  LA took Members through the presentation and WL described the delivery pilots and their revised approach to work in a much deeper and longer term basis than in previous projects. They were now 5 years into an 8 year relationship which would run until 2025.  LA described how they operated locally with a range of providers. JBMS, a coach/social worker and provider to the project, described developing the Walking Groups which particularly supported local women from ethnic minorities across generations and ability levels, as well as a gym access programme as part of Moving Together.


4.4  Members asked detailed questions and the following points were noted in the responses:

(a)There were 15-20 providers on the programme but they change over time and the key challenge included the need to build capacity within these. LA also described how they worked with different cohorts across a range of organisations.

(b)The Chair asked whether the focus was on those who were inactive, were lapsed inactive, or just young people needing to embed new cultural habits. WL clarified that the focus was on those who are totally inactive rather than those already engaging with local sports organisations. 

(c) Members commented on the concerns raised by residents about facilities in and around parks (toilets and food establishments) and asked if they were satisfactory and what improvements had been made. LA described the two capital projects, one in Daubney Fields and the other connected to the Pedro Club and the plans to open more and generally on the joint work with colleagues in the Regeneration Team.

(d) A Member asked Sport England about the lack of overall sports strategy for Hackney and how too many of the activities are not aligned with well established local sport organisations. He commented that some organisations were perhaps not as up to speed on standards (e.g. child welfare) as they should be and he asked how these are monitored. LA described how the safeguarding monitoring works and how they have a much more hands-on connection with the orgs being grant funded here because the project is very much place-based. WL expanded on the overall sports strategy and the linkages into communities explaining that they are not at the sports club end of the spectrum as the focus is more on people who currently are inactive.

(e) The Chair asked whether Sport England was providing iterative feedback to the project and how impacts will be monitored at the end. WL replied that they did and explained how the 12 national pilots have a lot of connectivity between them and continually share best practice. As well as traditional monitoring there is a strong focus from Sport England on the learning element. 

(f) The Chair asked how good practice and the learning from this project might be  replicated elsewhere so that other parts of the borough can benefit.  LA explained that ‘place’ had been the key driving concept for this work from the outset and that the findings from it will certainly influence future work across the borough. They are already expanding the walking programmes and are working with colleagues in Public Health to think about a similar approach to other patches in the borough.


4.5  The Chair thanked the team and Sport England for their detailed briefing and suggested that the team return near the end of the project to give a briefing on what has been learned and what is being taken forward.


That the report and discussion be noted.



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