Agenda item

Developing a local response to the NHS Long Term Plan


6.1   Mark Scott (Deputy Director of Transformation PMO, ELCP) presented to the board on how the NHS was to plan the delivery on its commitments. It outlines how the NHS would give everyone the best start in life, deliver world-class care for major health problems, such as cancer and heart disease, and help people to age well. Work had been ongoing locally to plan how the long term plan’s commitments would be delivered over the next five years. On 15 November the document had been submitted to NHS England as draft because of the pre-election purdah period. The draft was now on the website to allow people to the opportunity to have their say on its content.  Mark Scott referred to population growth in East London was key with a projected increase of 13%.  In answer to a question he confirmed that there were no metrics for workforce at present. There would be work on tracking vacancy rates and the risks around EU staff. He confirmed to the Board in relation to governance arrangements that there would be an announcement on the appointment of independent chairs next week.


6.2   David Maher stressed the need to focus on the wider determinants of needs with a three system footprint. There would need to be an awareness of the potential of risk and monitor lost opportunities.


6.3  Carol Akroyd spoke to the Board on this matter, stating that the changes that were being major and that the public should be consulted and engaged on this. She referred to the messages that should be conveyed to the public such as changes of location of services.


6.4   Mayor Glanville agreed with concerns but stated that confirmed that no firm decision had been made and that there would be further consultation. Further, there was much internal debate. He referred to excellent KPIs. There would however be a need to look at the impact on inequality in terms of health outcomes and that there was need to develop engagement on this matter. There was a need to now ensure that there is emphasis on engagement and co-production. Mayor Glanville referred to the good performance of the Homerton Hospital in the winter crisis as evidence of a good performing system.


6.5  David Maher told the Board that 1000 residents had been consulted on the proposals and it was expected that the Council’s Scrutiny functions would be putting forward a view on the changes. He confirmed that the treatment of mental health was now on equal footing with physical ailments and that there was a good track record of service delivery. Deputy Mayor Anntoinette Bramble that much work had been carried out at neighbourhood level. Mark Scott stressed the importance of early service user involvements and that co-production had been signed up to.  


6.6  Laura Sharpe referred to local work that she was currently leading on in relation to workforce on health and social care. There was much data available but this was located in a variety of locations. This work could build into the broader theme.


6.7  Sandra Husbands emphasised the need for the plan to consider health inequality with emphasis on poverty as a major determinant of health.





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