Agenda item

Performance Review


4.1  Bruce Devile introduced the report providing an updated set of reports that were selected to be reviewed by the Committee on a regular basis as part of the Committee’s overview of the Council’s performance. The report provided an updated set of key performance indicators along with an update on risk management with a scorecard. The report also set out the latest capital programme monitoring with some enhanced analysis of the variances to the Budget. 


4.2  Bruce Devile told the Committee that the data in the report had not changed significantly since the previous meeting. He confirmed that numbers in temporary accommodation remained high. 


4.3  The Chair expressed concern that sickness levels continued to rise.  Dan Paul would report on this matter to the next meeting.


    Action: Dan Paul


4.4  Ajman Ali told the Committee that work was ongoing to ensure that rent was paid on time and that the maximum benefits was received. Staff were very aware of the importance of improvement in this area. Increased resources would be put into this in the new financial year. Measures included changes to direct debit arrangements. Councillor Maxwell spoke of the stress attached o not being able to pay rent. Ajman Ali told the Committee that patch officers were available to provide support in cases of difficulty. He would look into this matter in more detail.


  Action: Ajman Ali


 4.5  The Board expressed concern that as part of the ‘pay your rent campaign’, tenants were told not to spend the money on presents and that this could be considered paternalistic.


4.6  Ian Williams told the committee that Hackney’s performance in relation to claims was on a par with Boroughs across London.  Extensive work was being carried out on the council tax and one corporate debt approach.  Councillor Rennison would be arranging a workshop with the Audit Committee on this.


4.7  The Chair expressed concern at the high percentage of open planning enforcement cases less than 4 years old.  Ajman Ali agreed to report back on this matter.


  Action: Ajman Ali


4.8  In relation the overall financial performance report Michael Honeysett reported that a variance £42,784 was to be re-profiled. The Chair high light that half of the budge was out in the first six months and considered that this was a sign that profiling was not was not going far enough.  Michael Honeysett agreed that there was a need for more accurate profiling and that much related to in stability around contractors. Ian Williams highlighted that it is necessary to defer work if the contractor is unable to carry out the work. It was acknowledged that there was a need for improvement and work was on going on how the Council delivers major schemes and cash flow forecasting.


4.9  Ajman Ali told the Committee that in relation to asset management a Capital Monitoring Board was now in place for 12 months, receiving regular reports on appropriate schemes. The Chair referred to the current large underspend and asked if the systems in place were improving. Ajman Ali acknowledged the need for improving forecasting. Ian Williams referred to the fact that there was a requirement to monitor on a monthly basis and this had shown some risk.  Ian Williams would produce a more detailed report on risks areas around Brexit.

    Action: Ian Williams


4.10  In relation to the CIPFA financial management code, Ian Williams told the Committee that this would be used to embed good practice and financial planning going forward. Detailed guidance notes would be released on this. The Chair stressed that the Senior Management Team should take responsibility for embedding the good practice.  




To note the performance indicator in appendix 1, the Risk Management Scorecard in appendix 2 and the current capital monitoring update in appendix 3.

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