Agenda item

Skills, Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission 2019/20 Work Programme


6.1  The Chair referred to the Commission’s work programme on pages 125-130 of the agenda.


6.2  The Chair advised the next meeting would be the Night Time Economy Summit on 16th October 2019.  The commission was holding an engagement session with stakeholders about the night time economy and the vision for Hackney’s night time economy.


6.2.1  The proposed themes for discussion were outlined to be:

1.  An inclusive night time economy - what would an inclusive night time economy look like?

2.  A sustainable night time economy in Hackney - is the current night time economy sustainable and what is its impact on the environment?

3.  Jobs - How do we get good quality and sustainable jobs in the sector? 

The meeting would not focus on the licensing policy but aimed to engage with stakeholders about the future of the night time economy in the borough.  This engagement session aimed to give residents and businesses an opportunity to help shape the vision for Hackney’s night time economy.


6.2.2  The Chair explained the format of the session would be like the BMAE business engagement event the Commission held in July 2018.  There would be discussion groups with 4-6 people on each table.


6.2.3  The Chair informed the Commission he had invited Amy Lamé the Night Czar Chair to the session.  The Chair was still awaiting a response.


6.2.4  The Chair informed there would be representation of young people voices at the session.  The Chair of the Hackney Young Futures Commission (HYF) would be in attendance.  The Chair informed the Commission the Hackney Young Futures Commission recently completed their consultation with young people around the borough and received 2400 responses.  The data was currently being analysed and the feedback report was expected in October 2019.


6.2.5  In the discussions Members suggested the local pub watches in the borough were invited to the engagement session.  The Chair agreed.


6.2.6  The Chair advised ward Councillors from wards with an active night time economy would be invited to the session.


6.2.7  The Chair informed the Commission the following people were listed as invitees to the meeting:

·  Relevant Ward Cllrs - Dalston, Hackney Wick, Hoxton East and Shoreditch, Stoke Newington and Hoxton West

·  local businesses – including Pub Watches

·  Tenant Resident Associations (resident groups)

·  Hackney Young Futures Commission.

6.2.8  In addition the above, the following council departments and relevant Executive Members would be invited to the session.

·  Relevant Cabinet Members

·  Area Regeneration Department

·  Planning Department

·  Licensing Department and Licensing Chair.

6.2.9  Members enquired about the start time for the night time economy event.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed it would be 7pm.


6.2.10  In response to Members discussion about engaging a variety of local businesses at the session.  The Overview and Scrutiny officer explained it was hoped that by taking the meeting out into the community and holding it in a local licensed premises; this would encourage other business owners to attend.


6.2.11  In the discussion Members also referred to the Future Shoreditch plan and commented this plan looked at the local area and considers what they would like to see operating in the night time economy for that area.


The Chair suggested they encourage Councillors from the other Wards with an active night time economy to attend the session too.


6.3  The Chair advised the Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL) discussion item would be added to the SEG work programme for the November meeting.  Members discussed the stakeholders they wish to invite to the meeting. 


6.4  For the Crossrail update Members discussed including electrify Hackney buses to the November meeting. 


This was agreed.


6.5  Following the discussion under item 5 on the agenda Members were not assured the council held sufficient data that enabled them to understand the correlation and causation for the areas where they experience staff recruitment and retention challenges.  Member were of the view this information would help the council to understand their key workers and then enable them to establish a local definition for key workers.


Members agreed to submit a letter of reference to the Executive about the definition of a key worker and suggest that this should include an exploration of other organisational practices in relation to recruitment strategies for key workers.  Member also suggested the council establishes some kind of formal process to consider this.



The Commission to submit a letter of reference to the Executive making reference to the discussion under item 5.



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