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Agenda item

Premises License: Chef Cafe Bistro, 273 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS


The Decision


The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information presented to it within the report and at the hearing today has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:


  • The prevention of crime and disorder;
  • Public safety;
  • Prevention of public nuisance;
  • The protection of children from harm;


The application to vary the premises licence for late night refreshment and supply of alcohol (on and off the premises) has been approved in accordance with the Council’s licensing statement with the following amendments:-


·  The hours for licensable activity will be in accordance with the Council’s Licensing Policy LP3:


Opening Hours:


Monday to Thursday  08:00 - 23:30 hours

Friday and Saturday  08:00 - 00:30 hours

Sunday    08:00 – 22:30 hours


The Sale of Alcohol:


Monday to Thursday  08:00 - 23:00 hours

Friday and Saturday  08:00 - 00:00 hours

Sunday    08:00 – 22:30 hours


Late Night Refreshment:


Friday and Saturday  23:00 - 00:00 hours



·  Condition 30 (g) of the licence to be amended, as follows:


Deliveries will not be made between the hours of 23:30 and 07:00 the day following, on Sunday to Thursday and 00:30 and 07:00 the day following, on Friday and Saturday.



Reasons for the decision


The application has been approved, with the above amendments as the Licensing Sub-Committee was satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. 


The Licensing Sub-Committee took into consideration that the representations made by the Responsible Authorities: the Licensing Authority, Metropolitan Police Service and Environmental Protection.


The Licensing Sub-Committee considered carefully the representations made that the additional hours put forward by the applicant would have a negative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives and would result in people not only attending the premises for the proposed later hours, but would then result in patrons staying in the area for longer, thereby creating noise nuisance and a general disturbance to the surrounding residential area.


Given the concerns raised the Licensing Sub-Committee only approved the application with a reduction of hours in line with the Council’s core hour’s policy, taking into consideration the factors outlined within the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy LP3.


The Licensing Sub-Committee advised the Applicant that they should communicate with the Council’s Environmental Protection Team to ensure the premises are in a satisfactory condition to avoid noise nuisance and disturbance to residents in the area and that the operation of the extractor fan at the premises meets the Council’s requirements.


The Licensing Sub-Committee also advised the Applicant that in order to operate for longer hours they would need to obtain the required Planning Permission.


In granting the additional hours throughout the week the Licensing Sub-Committee expect the licence holder and/or management for the premises to also remind patrons to be mindful of local residents so as to prevent noise nuisance due to the premises being located in a residential area. As such the Sub-Committee believed that by allowing the licence in the revised terms the licensing objectives would not be undermined.





The applicant is reminded of the need to operate the premises according to any current planning permission relating to its user class, conditions and hours.


It also should be noted for the public record that the local planning authority should draw no inference or be bound by this decision with regard to any future planning application which may be made.


Supporting documents: