Agenda item

London Fields Park, London, E8





Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to conditions.





Erection of a multi-use games area (MUGA) on London Fields comprising of one pitch on Tarmac base enclosed by perimeter mesh fencing and 4 floodlights.


(Councillors Desmond and Sharer arrived during the discussion of this item and so did not take part in the vote).  


6.1  The Planning Officer introduced the report, as set out in the agenda.  Reference was made to the addendum as line three of paragraph 6.4.1 should have stated that an example of a MUGA was the astro-turf football pitch on Mabley Green and HaggerstonPark.


6.2  Ashleigh Arrell spoke in objection to the scheme, her comments are summarised as follows:


§  The proposed development will spoil the beautiful green area of the park.

§  Concerned with the floodlights, which was deemed a waste of electricity.

§  Feel that an alternative indoor venue could have been utilised instead.

§  The community had not been properly informed and felt that signs should have been located around the park giving local residents the opportunity to have their say on the location of the MUGA.


6.3  Kim Wright (Corporate Director, Community Services), Mike Martin (London Fields User Group) and Jordon Hamer (local teenager) spoke in support of the scheme, their comments are as follows:


§  Mike Martin had been the Chair of the London Fields User Group for a number of years and had been involved in the London Lido project.

§  Feel that it is located in the right place and would make the park better for everyone.

§  A large number of youngsters want and would use this facility, as opposed to playing in disused car parks.


6.4  Discussion took place surrounding the proposed location of the MUGA as a number of Members felt that it was inappropriate to locate it in the centre of the park and that the area of hard standing was often used for community events.  Kim Wright responded by stating that the proposed site was located in a dilapidated area of the park and that if approved more greenery would be introduced to this area. She added that 80% of the hard standing area would be returned back to the park and that the MUGA would constitute the other 20%.  The existing fencing would also be taken down.


6.5  In response to a query from the Chair, the Corporate Director explained that the area next the Lido had been rejected as a potential site due to the location of the existing depot and it was felt that it would increase congestion around the area in the summer months when the Lido was heavily used.


6.6  Councillor Webb made reference to the angle and location of some of the benches surrounding the MUGA and the Corporate Director confirmed that they would look at locating the benches in a more appropriate place.  Reference was also made to the number of cycle stands being provided as Councillor Webb felt that two stands was not sufficient.  The Corporate Director stated that she was happy to provide more cycle stands.  The Chair requested that this be added as an additional condition.  This was AGREED.


6.7  Discussion took place regarding the fence and whether 2m was high enough.  The Planning Officer confirmed that 2m was recommended by the manufacturer.  Councillor Smith requested that the perimeter of the MUGA be tree lined and the Planning Officer explained that this was already covered by the landscaping condition.




(Councillor Smith voted against the recommendation).


Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:



1.  SCB1   Commencement within 3 years



The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


REASON: In order to comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended.


2.  SCB0Development only in accordance with submitted plans



The Development hereby permitted shall only be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans hereby approved and any subsequent approval of details.


REASON: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in full accordance with the plans hereby approved.


3.  SCT3  Protection of trees during site works


No development will take place on site until full details of tree protection have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Council and until such approved protection has been erected on site. Tree protection will be in accordance with BS5837:2005 (Trees in relation to construction - Recommendations) and will protect the root protection area calculated as described in Table 2 of that British Standard.


Unless otherwise agreed in writing The protective fencing will be 2.4m high and conform to Figure 2 of BS5837:2005 i.e. a scaffold framework comprising a vertical and horizontal framework, well braced to resist impacts, with vertical tubes spaced at a maximum interval of 3m.  On to this weldmesh panels should be securely fixed with wire or scaffold clamps. The details of tree protection will include a method statement detailing how any work to service runs (electric), new or old, will be avoid harm to the trees. 


4.  SCM2Materials to be Approved 



Full details, with samples, of the materials to be used on the external surfaces of the MUGA, including ground surfaces, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, before any work is commenced. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved.


5.  SCM11 Modifications to be Approved



Detailed drawings showing the following modification(s) to the scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Council before any work is commenced on site:  Avoid consolidation of hard and soft landscaping and fragmentation (paths, and grass areas) paving for the bicycle parking area and path should be the same.


REASON: The layout outside the MUGA is not acceptable and is considered unsatisfactory in the form on the drawings submitted to date and this aspect of the scheme should be modified to ensure an acceptable form of development.


This part of the development shall be completed only in accordance with the modification(s) thus approved. 


6.  SCG1 Restricted hours of use


The MUGA hereby permitted may only be carried used between 09:00 hours and 21:00 hours on any day.

REASON: To ensure that the use is operated in a satisfactory manner and does not unduly disturb adjoining occupiers or prejudice local amenity generally.


7.  SCM7  Details to be approved (General)



Detailed drawings/full particulars of the proposed development showing the matters set out below must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, before any work is commenced. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved.


Details of flood lights

Details of cycle stands,

Details of landscaping

Details of boundary walls and enclosures

Details of locking mechanism




The following Informatives should be added:


SI  Policies contained in the Hackney Unitary Development Plan:


EQ1 (Development Requirements), EQ31 (Trees), OS2 (Open Spaces and Parks), OS3 (Loss of Open Spaces and Parks), OS4 (Protection of Character of Open Spaces and Parks), OS5 (Development Affecting Open Spaces and Parks), OS19 (Planning Standards), Policy 3D.7 Realising the value of open space, Policy 3.244  Improving London’s open environment

Policy 3.245, Policy 3.246, Policy 3.254  Open space strategies, Policy 3D.10 Open space provision in UDP’s, Policy 3D.11 Open space strategies.


SI.1  Building Control


Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Act 1984 and other Building Control legislation, which must be complied with to the satisfaction of The Planning and Transportation Service, Dorothy Hodgkin House, 12 Reading Lane, London, E8 1HJ. Telephone No: 020 8356 5000. Before any building work (including improvements to means of escape and changes of use) is commenced on site, detailed plans, together with the appropriate application form must be submitted for approval and early consultation is advised.


Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Act 1984 and other Building Control legislation, which must be complied with to the satisfaction of The Planning and Transportation Service, Dorothy Hodgkin House, 12 Reading Lane, London, E8 1HJ. Telephone No: 020 8356 5000. Before any building work (including improvements to means of escape and changes of use) is commenced on site, detailed plans, together with the appropriate…ate application form must be submitted for approval and early consultation is advised.


S3  Hours of Building works


Your attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 which imposes requirements as to the way in which building works are implemented including the hours during which the work may be carried out. This Act is administered by the Councils Pollution Control Service, 205 Morning Lane, London, E9 6JX (Telephone: 020 7356 5000) and you are advised to consult that Division at an early stage.


    Free Text 


This proposal is not a precedent for other hard surface areas within London Fields or similar proposals in the future.



Supporting documents: