Agenda item

Lea Bridge Ward Panel meeting


Lea Bridge Ward Panel meeting, 17 September 8pm at St John Ambulance Hall, Mildenhall Road, E5


Introduction: Ins Jeoff Bull introduced the new Lea Bridge SNT team. He is responsible for six wards. Each team has a sergeant, PC and PCSO. It’s a cluster – can draw on it for pouring resources into problem areas. Collect crime stats each day. He has tried to maintain the team presence in Lea Bridge.

Burglary: Is still a problem. Ins Bull advised - Register your Apple mac products. Windows left open. Lea Bridge had special attention with smart water – following up with signage. Target hardening stuff. Burglary. Alice is the new dedicated ward officer starting in October, and will be here for two years. Sgt Fiona Dawson has been the new sergeant since 6 July.

Sgt Dawson introduced herself: She has worked in Hackney for seven years, previously in the response team. She has a mobile phone number to call with an immediate answer for callers. The office is still on Theydon road.

She is also focussed on long term issues working with housing and the council. South of Leabridge Road there is a high burglary rate with four or five in the north part.

Police are looking at who it might be. Most common theft is Apple phones, phones that are portable and can be carried away easily. Ground floor windows left open by some people. Residents need to ensure they have a dead bolt on the front door. Locks are being slipped. In August 32 burglaries were attempted.

A resident suggested: lots of new tenants are students. Ask their landlords to warn them. Ins Bull said Police will also check ex-offenders, people who have come out of prison recently.

He advised: Keep lights on and radio on if you go out.

Another resident: said companies won’t insure unless deadlock on. He asked for it to be a priority. Should be an easy win.

Cllr Rathbone asked: How do you communicate? Ins Bull said with leaflets etc – resources ploughed in; and via twitter accounts.

The public mostly meet officers in the streets – posters on lampposts. Noticeboards on estates. Residents can help if they have access to community noticeboards. Let Ins Bull know.

Met Police Budget: Ins Bull reported there were proposed cuts to community support officers. The Helicopter not around. The Met stand to lose another third of the budget.  It would leave dedicated ward officers. Safer Transport are keeping officers because they come under TfL.

Ward Panel Chair: Insp Bull asked for volunteers for a ward panel chair.

Ward Panel Priorities:  Julian Couldon said neighbourhood watch used to set the priorities. Usually - car thefts, drugs, burglaries. The meeting agreed to continue those priorities.

People who commit vehicle crimes are often drug driven – Sgt Dawson warned:  don’t leave coins, or a sat nav inside the car.

People complained about insurance knock on effect.

Neighbourhood Watch: – Clevelys, Gunton, Casimir – Julian reported. Had a lot of people participate because Police were present. Neighbourhood Watch became an important place to discuss issues. Died a bit because of churn. Fiona has agreed a meeting – and has met with Julian to discuss issues.

Ins Bull said to put people’s mind at rest – the prevention of crime rate has improved considerably since 2004.

Julian said resources are tight. Meetings – Fiona and he would do the posting of minutes and notices.

Lower Mildenhall Road is thinking of setting up a Neighbourhood Watch. Fiona is in touch with residents. She will be seeing how Julian’s Neighbourhood Watch works.

Fiona said let her know if you want to set up Neighbourhood Watch. Funding has got delayed. There are window stickers available. Regular meetings like this builds trust in the police. Local intelligence important.

A printed newsletter will be going out at some point. The Website will also be updated. 

Other Questions:

  • Sex offender on the marshes? Answer: Been stopped.
  • A resident reported he had seen a possible theft. Sgt Dawson would speak to him afterwards about it.