Agenda item

84 Milton Grove





Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to conditions. 









Erection of a pair of semi-detached, two-storey over basement two bedroom houses.


(Councillor Sharer arrived during the discussion of the item and therefore did not take part in the vote.)


5.1  The Planning Officer introduced the report, as set out in the agenda.  He referred to the drawing numbers detailed on the front of the report, which should have stated Drawing Numbers 242-01, Rev J, 242-02.


5.2  Ken Rorrison spoke in objection to the scheme, his comments are summarised as follows:


§  Representing 70 local residents.

§  This was the third application, as the other two had been refused and feels that this scheme was still not satisfactory.

§  Concerned with the siting of the proposed development, as the siting of the previous applications was deemed unsatisfactory.

§  All of the previous applications had historically taken place predominately along the west side of Church Walk and not along the backland sites.

§  Issue of loss of sunlight/daylight.

§  The ceiling heights were inadequate.

§  Identified twelve items where the planning guidance and regulations had been breached.

§  Loss of amenity, due to shadowing.

§  Sets a precedent for future developments.

§  Adversely impact on the amenity of the area.

§  Gross over-development of the area. The proposed development was to dense for the area.

§  The development would not benefit the area as a whole.


5.3  Jaimie Shorten (Barker Shorten Architects) spoke in support of the scheme, his comments are summarised as follows:


§  The drawings were accurate.

§  Existing garages were derelict, so felt the proposed development was a positive use of the site.

§  The property would be built to a high standard.


5.4  Councillor Smith referred to the issue of loss of sunlight/daylight, as it stated within the report that the Planning Officer was minded to support the daylight/sunlight, subject to the information submitted by the applicant.  The Planning Officer circulated an additional plan at the meeting which showed the 25 degree angle between the ground floor window of the existing property and the roof of the proposed development, which he deemed to be acceptable.


5.5  In response to a question from Councillor Buitekant regarding what other buildings were located along the same side of the road, the Planning Officer confirmed that this was a pedestrianised section with residential gardens, a one storey studio and derelict garages, as detailed in the application. 


5.6  Reference was made to the concern raised by the objector that this application could set a precedent for future development in the area and have an adverse impact on the amenity of Church Walk.  The Planning Officer reiterated that this side of the road was predominantly gardens and so would be very difficult to develop.


5.7  The architect confirmed that the building would be produced using stock brick, the same as other buildings along the road and dark copper cladding above, which was the same used by the modern house opposite the site.


5.8  Councillor Webb stated that it would have been useful to have a photo showing the current site and a larger coloured photo of what the development would look like.  The Planning Officer took this on board for future applications.


Councillors Buitekant and Smith voted against the recommendation and Councillors Stops and Webb voted in favour of the recommendation.  Councillor Sharer did not take part in the vote.  The Chair cast his casting vote of approval and it was therefore:-




Planning Permission be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:



1.  SCB0 - Development only in accordance with submitted plans

The Development hereby permitted shall only be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans hereby approved and any subsequent approval of details.


REASON: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in full accordance with the plans hereby approved.


2.  SCB1N -Commencement within 3 years

The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


REASON: In order to comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended.


3.  SCM2 -Materials to be approved

Full details, with samples, of materials to be used on the external surfaces of the building, including glazing, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing before any work on the site is commenced. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved.


4.  SCM7 - Details to be approved

Detailed drawings/full particulars of the proposed development showing the matters set out below must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, before any work is commenced. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved.


Details of Doors and Windows to a scale of 1:20.


5.  SCM9 -No extraneous pipe work

No soil stacks, soil vent pipes, flues, ductwork or any other pipework shall be fixed to the (street) elevations of the building other than as shown on the drawings hereby approved 


6.  SCR2 - Dustbin Enclosures

Details of dustbin and recycling enclosures showing the design, location and external appearance, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, before the use/development commences.  The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved. 


7.  SCM5/SRM5 - Boundary walls (To Be Approved)

Full details, including materials, of all boundary walls and enclosures shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, before any work commences on site.  The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved.


8.  SCR8/SRR8 - Obscured glazing

The windows in the eastern wall of the first floor of the building shall be permanently glazed in obscured glass.


REASON: To safeguard against overlooking of adjoining sites and premises.


9. SCR7/SRR7 -Future Restrictions (Residential) 

Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended (or in any provision) equivalent to that Order in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order) no enlargement, improvements, or other alterations shall be carried out to the dwelling houses hereby approved without express planning permission first being obtained from the Local Planning Authority.






SI  Reason for approval:


The following policies contained in the Hackney Unitary Development Plan 1995 are relevant to the approved development/use and were considered by this Council in reaching the decision to grant planning permission: EQ1 [Development Requirements], EQ48 [Designing out Crime], HO3 [Other Sites for Housing], TR19 [Traffic -Planning Standards]. Policy 3A.1 [Increasing London’s supply of housing], Policy 3A.2 [Borough housing targets], Policy 4A.3 [Maximising the potential of sites],. Policy 4B.1 [Design principles for a compact city] and Policy 4B. 4 [Sustainable design and construction] of the London Plan were also considered.


SI.1  Building Control


Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Act 1984 and other Building Control legislation, which must be complied with to the satisfaction of The Planning and Transportation Service, 263 Mare Street, London, E8 3HT. Telephone No: 020 8356 5000. Before any building work (including improvements to means of escape and changes of use) is commenced on site, detailed plans, together with the appropriate application form must be submitted for approval and early consultation is advised.


SI.2 Works affecting Public Highway


The Highways and Engineering Team, Environment Services Division 300 Mare Street, London, E8 3HT. Telephone 0208 356 5000, should be consulted regarding any works to, on or under the public highway, including vaults and thresholds, vehicle crossing, access, parking and sight lines.  Any vehicle crossing works are to be carried out by the London Borough of Hackney.


The developer/landowner will be responsible for all costs relating to the closure of existing vehicular and pedestrian accesses to the site, the construction of new accesses and the reinstatement and repair of public footways where


S3  Hours of Building works


Your attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 which imposes requirements as to the way in which building works are implemented including the hours during which the work may be carried out. This Act is administered by the Councils Pollution Control Service, 205 Morning Lane, London, E9 6JX (Telephone: 020 7356 5000) and you are advised to consult that Division at an early stage.


SI.3  Sanitary, Ventilation, and Drainage Arrangements


Before any drainage works are commenced on site, detailed plans, giving notice of intention to build/permission to drain/construct/reconstruct or alter pipes and drains must be submitted for approval under the Building Regulations 1991 to the Planning and Transportation Service, 263 Mare Street, London, E8 3HT.  Telephone No: 020 8356 5000. Please note that it will be necessary to consult the Thames Water Utilities Ltd., Waste Water Connections, Kew Business Centre, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 0EE. Telephone No: 020 7713 3865, Fax No: 020 7713 3875.


1)   All information appertaining to the existing public sewerage system.

2)   Requests for sewer connections. All works will be carried out by the London Borough of Hackney at the applicant expense. All new developments will be required to have new sewer connections.

3)   Building over sewers.

4)   System of drainage to be provided on site.

5)   Adoption of sewers.


Advisory Note:


It should be noted that most sewers throughout the Borough flow full or surcharge during periods of heavy storm and conditions may be imposed restricting discharge to the system. The prime condition is that any large development shall not cause an increase in the rate of flow to the public sewerage system. This requirement is normally met in the case of new developments by separation on site and storage of surface water flows in tanks or oversized pipes on sites. Where sites adjoin a suitable watercourse or storm relief sewer into which surface water can be discharged by gravity then the policy is for sites to be separated and have their surface water discharged to the watercourse or storm relief sewer. In the case of developments/ rehabilitation/ conversions etc., involving the use of basements these are likely to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of surcharge and applicants must therefore demonstrate that adequate drainage arrangements exist at all times.


SI.24Naming and numbering


Your attention is drawn to Section 5, and the Regulations made under Section 12 of the London Building Acts (Amendments) Act 1939.  Section 5 requires that any proposed name for a street, way, place, row of houses or block of buildings should be submitted to the Council for approval, allowing sufficient time for the statutory consultation process. Section 12 relates to the marking of numbers and names of buildings and to the necessity for you to display such number(s) or name(s). Information may be obtained from, and application under Section 5 should be made to, The Naming and Numbering Officer, The Building Control Service, Directorate of Safer Neighbourhoods, 263 Mare Street, London, E8 3HT, Telephone No: 020 8356 5000.









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