Browse meetings

Stoke Newington Ward Forum

This page lists the meetings for Stoke Newington Ward Forum.

Information about Stoke Newington Ward Forum

Welcome to Stoke Newington


This is the dedicated page for all the information you will need about Stoke Newington. This includes details of the new ward forums, information about who represents you in the council, and statistics about the neighbourhood.


To find out which ward you live in, please visit Find My Nearest, and enter your postcode in the ‘Search for your address’ box. The ward will appear under the ‘Elections and Voting’ header. If you would like to receive email alerts of future meetings, please register an account and select the committees you are interested in.


Your ward councillors


Local ward councillors are responsible for representing the people who live in this area, on a wide variety of issues. Councillors (also known as Members) are normally elected for four year terms, and are elected by local people to plan, run, monitor and develop Council services.


Councillors work to improve the quality of life for people within their area and make decisions about local issues. They have to decide what is in the public interest amidst a range of conflicting issues and views. Councillors usually represent a Political Party, although can be Independent. All Councillors represent all the citizens in their ward.



 Stoke Newington

link to details of Councillor Gilbert Smyth

link to details of Councillor Susan Fajana-Thomas

link to details of Councillor Mete Coban

Councillor Gilbert Smyth

Councillor Susan Fajana-Thomas

Councillor Mete Coban


Ward Forums


Each ward in Hackney has its own ward forum which is run by local Councillors and residents as a way to improve the local area together.


Your ward Councillors will help you to agree the key things that need to get done in your area, whether that’s improving local facilities, or finding a new community space to use.  In some cases these will be things that ward forum participants can lead on: examples of this from other parts of the country have included decorating a community hall, or starting a project to help vulnerable neighbours.  In other cases there will be priorities that the Council might be able to help with, like finding ways to increase recycling or using local facilities at different times.  Also, where there are successful community projects happening already, the new Ward Forums can be used as a way to link them together, and to the Council where needed.



Victoria profile

Here are some facts and figures about your local community:

·  Demographic, social and economic characteristics

·  Ward map

·  Health and wellbeing information

·  Forthcoming council decisions from the Executive Meetings & Key Decisions Notice 

·  Planning applications in the area from Find My Nearest (use the ‘Planning’ tab on the dropdown bar)

·  Licensing applications

·  Consultations



Other meetings and events in the ward

Link to relevant Stoke Newington safer neighbourhoods 

What’s On in the area



Get involved

There are a number of ways you can have a say


  • Depending on the topic, attend a ward forum or visit a Councillor’s surgery
  • Contact the Councillors of the ward, to tell them what you want discussed – their contact details are available by clicking on their names under the Your ward Councillors section of this page
  • Tweet with the hashtag #StokeNewington to discuss things about your ward