Agenda and decisions

Licensing Sub Committee E - Wednesday 20 May 2020 2.00 pm, NEW

Venue: Until further notice, all Council meetings will be held remotely

Contact: Natalie Williams, Governance Services Officer  Tel: 020 8356 8407 Email:


No. Item


Election of Chair


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest - Members to declare as appropriate


Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure pdf icon PDF 193 KB


Application for Review: Interim Steps Pending Full Review - Topaloglu Food and Wine, Kingsland Road, E8 4AE pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Application for Interim Steps Pending Full Review – Topaloglu Food and

Wine, 478 Kingsland Road, E8 4AE



The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the

information presented to them within the report and at the hearing today and

having regard to the promotion of the licensing objective concerning the

prevention of crime and disorder, and in particular the prevention of serious

crime or disorder, have:

Deferred their decision, pending the full review of the premises licence.

In making this decision, the Sub-Committee carefully considered the

submissions from the Metropolitan Police regarding the incident and the

alleged offences involving the Designated Premises Supervisor and his staff,

and they considered the representations made by the licence holder.

The Sub-Committee considered whether the interim steps were necessary

and appropriate for the promotion of the crime and disorder objective,

however, on balance they felt the options available to them were not

appropriate on the basis that there was not sufficient evidence of the

likelihood of further crime and disorder occurring before a full review hearing.

The Sub-Committee decided not to implement interim measures at this time

because they had insufficient evidence of an imminent threat to the licensing

objectives pending the full review of the premises licence as the premises

were likely to stay open for that period with or without an alcohol licence.

In assessing the likelihood of further crime and disorder occurring during the

period before a full review can take place, the Sub-Committee also had regard

to the absence of evidence of prior crime and disorder associated with these

premises and the limited material available to them concerning the alleged

offences. The Sub-Committee considered that they would be significantly

better able to understand the incident on which the Metropolitan Police’s

application is based when presented with more extensive evidence at the full review hearing


Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item


There were no Temporary Event Notices for consideration.