Agenda and decisions

Licensing Sub Committee C - Thursday 8 June 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Until further notice, all Licensing Sub-Committee meetings will be held remotely

Contact: Natalie Williams, Governance Services Officer 

No. Item


Adam and Eve, 155 Homerton High Street E9 6AS pdf icon PDF 7 MB

Additional documents:


Review of the Premises Licence – Adam and Eve,155 Homerton High Street, London, E9 6AS


The decision of 8th June 2023


The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and at the hearing today and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:


• The prevention of crime and disorder

• Public safety

• Prevention of public nuisance

• The protection of children from harm


The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considering the evidence presented to them at the review hearing by the Applicant, (the Licensing Authority), the Environmental Protection Team, the Legal Representative who represented the Premises Licence holder, the premises noise expert, and Other Persons (local residents) who made representations in support of the review in relation to the prevention of public nuisance following noise complaints received which derived from the use of two areas of the external part of the premises located at the rear and shown on the plan of the premises as “Covered Yard” and “Bottle Store”.


The Licensing Sub-Committee decided after considering the evidence:


1.  Not to restrict customer access to the two external areas formerly known as “Covered Yard” and “Bottle Store” and to allow the noise mitigation measures proposed by the premises noise expert to be carried out immediately followed by a period of monitoring and testing at the Premises Licence holders expense, from residential properties (with their agreement). Following a period of monitoring during Summer 2023, after the installation of the noise mitigation measures, a further acoustic assessment report at the Premises Licence holders expense to be produced and provided to the Responsible Authorities and local residents to consider.


2. To modify the conditions on the premises licence to prevent public nuisance, the Sub-committee made the following determination:


Modified conditions:


And the following conditions to be added to the premises licence


·  The external areas of the premises shall be regularly monitored by staff/door staff when in use.


·  The Premises Licence Holder shall display the telephone number/email address of the Designated Premises Supervisor for use by any Responsible Authority or any person who may wish to make a complaint during the operation of the licence in a prominent external location at the premises that is easily accessible to the public.


·  Use of any external areas will cease at 22:00.


·  After 22:00 there shall be a maximum of 8 smokers outside the front of the premises (and they shall not be permitted to take drinks with them).


·  No TVs shall be used in any external areas. 


·  Substitute any former plan for the plan attached to this decision (the plan dated 8 November 2021).


·  The Premises Licence Holder shall organise and publicise a meeting for local residents to discuss the operation of the premises and any issues arising every 4 months.


·  The Premises Licence Holder shall submit an updated Noise Management Plan to the Licensing Authority, the Environmental Protection Team for their approval. The timescale to be agreed with the Licensing Authority, and the Environmental Protection Team.  ...  view the full decision text for item 6.