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Decision details

Application for a Premises Licence: Basement and Ground Floor, 88 Chatsworth, Road, E5 0LS

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The decision


The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information presented to it within the report and at the hearing today has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:


·  The prevention of crime and disorder;

·  Public safety;

·  Prevention of public nuisance; and

·  The protection of children from harm,


the application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report, with the following amendments:


Supply of Alcohol (off sales)


Monday to Saturday    17:00 - 23:00

Sunday    16:00 - 23:00


Supply of Alcohol (on sales)


Monday to Thursday    17:00 - 23:30

Friday to Saturday    17:00 - 00:30

Sunday    16:00 - 23:30


·  No Off-sales permitted after 2300 hours.


·  Amend condition 28:

"The licensee will ensure that a maximum of 5 persons shall use the designated smoking area at any one time".


And the following conditions to be added to the Premises Licence:


·  The Premises Licence holder has agreed to the 11 conditions proposed by the Police as set out at paragraph 8.1 of the Licensing report that will be added to the premises licence.


·  The contact details of the duty manager and the Designated Premises Supervisor shall be on display at the front of the premises to be clearly accessible without having to enter the premises so that local residents can make contact regarding issues and concerns they have with the premises.


Reasons for the decision


The application for a premises licence has been approved because the Licensing Sub-committee was satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Environmental Protection Team agreed conditions in advance of the hearing with the Applicant and withdrew their representation.


The Sub-committee took into consideration the representations made by the  Metropolitan Police Service (“the Police”) and the Licensing Authority objecting to this application, and their concerns about the operation of the premises in a residential area. The Sub-committee noted that there were no representations from local residents.


The Sub-committee took into account that the Licensing Authority made representations that the hours applied for were slightly outside the core hours and there were also concerns about the residential premises being directly above the premises. The Licensing Authority also had concerns related to unauthorised activity


The Sub-committee took into account that the Police representations that the hours applied for were outside of the core hours and that the premises were located with off licences to either side of it. The Police’s primary concern related to the off sales of alcohol close to the residential area.


The Sub-committee took into account that this was an application for a premises licence, following the lapse of the previous premises licence, which was not transferred within 28 days.


The Sub-committee took into consideration that both Applicants were experienced premises licence holders that had been in the hospitality industry for over 6 years and one of the Applicants owned a coffee shop in Well Street which has an alcohol licence. The other Applicant had a cocktail bar.


The Sub-committee noted the Applicants intended to create a neighbourhood bar for the local community specialising in spirits and organic wines. The Applicants intend to operate a bar and not a nightclub, and they did not intend to open the premises on Mondays.


The Sub-committee noted that no cooked food would be available at the premises because there was no kitchen on site. The Sub-committee took into consideration that the capacity of the premises is estimated at 60 however the Applicants were not expecting to have the maximum number of customers at any one time.


The Sub-committee was satisfied that the complaints made by local residents about the previous licence holder were primarily related to noise nuisance. The Sub-committee noted that the Applicants had contacted local residents to try and address their concerns.



The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Applicants agreed that there would be no more than five smokers at any one time outside of the premises, and the outside area would be monitored by staff. The Sub-committee noted that no glass and drinks would be taken outside at any time.


The Sub-committee took into account that the Applicants accepted the conditions proposed by the Police and they agreed to reduce the hours for the supply of alcohol by 30 minutes before closing time.


The Sub-committee took into consideration each application on its own merits.


Having taken all of the above factors into consideration, the Licensing Sub-committee was satisfied, when granting the application for a premises licence, that the Applicants had agreed conditions, reduced the hours for the supply of alcohol, and that the licensing objectives would be maintained.



Publication date: 18/04/2024

Date of decision: 03/12/2019

Decided at meeting: 03/12/2019 - Licensing Sub Committee E

Accompanying Documents: