Decision details

Application for a Premises Licence: Franco Manca, 5-8 Great Eastern Street, Hackney, London, EC2A 3EJ

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee B

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information presented to it within the report and at the hearing today has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:


?  The prevention of crime and disorder;

?  Public safety;

?  Prevention of public nuisance;

?  The protection of children from harm;

The amended application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s licensing statement set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report :

  The opening hours and the hours for licensable activity are:

    Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday  09:00 - 23:30 hours

Friday and Saturday  09:00 - 00:00 hours 


Supply of Alcohol (on the premises): 

Sunday to Thursday  10:00 - 23:00 hours

  Friday and Saturday  10.00 - 23.30 hours


Late Night Refreshment: 

  Sunday to Thursday  23:00 - 23:30 hours

  Friday and Saturday  23:00 - 00:00 hours 


and the following additional conditions:


·  The maximum number of persons allowed to use the designated smoking area of the premises at any one time is restricted to 5 people.

.  All sales of alcohol off the premises shall be in sealed containers and ancillary to a take-away meal.

·  The last service of food and drink for consumption on the premises shall cease fifteen (15) minutes before the closing hour each day.


Reasons for the decision


The application for the premises licence has been approved, with the above additional conditions, as the Licensing sub-committee was satisfied that the licensing objectives would not then be undermined in the Shoreditch Special Policy Area.


The sub-committee took into consideration that the Metropolitan Police and Environmental Enforcement had withdrawn their representation in advance of the hearing, following the applicant agreeing to the proposed conditions. It was noted that the application was amended to remove recorded music.


After hearing from the applicant and considering the representations of the Other Person, the sub-committee believed that the measures which were put in place and the conditions agreed, was mitigation towards any negative impact in the area and on local residents. The sub-committee noted the applicants argument that the nature of the premises would be as a seated family orientated restaurant. And believed crucially that the requirement that alcohol was served to seated customers only and was ancillary to a substantial table meal, would mean that it would not add to cumulative impact in the area. It was also noted that all off-sales of alcohol would only be sold with a take away meal.


Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Licensing sub-committee were satisfied, that the licensing objectives would continue to be promoted in the Shoreditch Special Policy Area, particularly in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder and prevention of public nuisance.


Planning Informative


The applicant is reminded of the need to operate the premises according to any current planning permission relating to its use class, conditions and hours.

It also should be noted for the public record that the local planning authority should draw no inference or be bound by this decision with regard to any future planning applications which may be made.

Publication date: 03/02/2020

Date of decision: 28/01/2020

Decided at meeting: 28/01/2020 - Licensing Sub Committee B

Accompanying Documents: