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Anybody who lives, works or studies in Hackney can now raise an e-petition on an issue that concerns them. This means that you can develop a petition online, rather than just paper, and bring issues to the attention of Councillors and Council staff quickly and easily.

To submit or sign an e-petition you must first register. You can do this by starting a new petition or by signing an open petition at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to provide your name, address and a valid e-mail address.

The Council will treat as a petition any communication which is signed on behalf of a minimum of 10 people who live, work or study in Hackney.

There are different categories of petitions, and the number of signatures a petition receives, or the type of action the petition is requesting, will establish how the Council will deal with and respond to each one. For further information of the different types of petitions such as petitions for debate, Exempted Petitions, and general petitions please see Part 6 Public Participation Section D- Petitions within the Constitution.

To sign or view a current live e-petitions please select from the list below.

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Hackney Council accepts no liability for the petitions on these web pages. The views expressed in the petitions may not necessarily reflect those of the Council.

If you would like to submit a paper petition or get further advice on e-Petitions, please contact us: email: