02/12/2024 - Variation of a Premises Licence: 255 Mare Street London E8 3NS ref: 8112 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee B
Made at meeting: 02/12/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee B
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/12/2024
The decision of 2nd December 2024
The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and at the hearing today and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:
· The prevention of crime and disorder
· Public safety
· Prevention of public nuisance
· The protection of children from harm
The application to vary a premises licence has been partially approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing with the following amendments:
· The hours for licensable activities:
Recorded Music
Sunday to Thursday 11:00 - 23:30
Friday to Saturday 11:00 - 00:30
Late Night Refreshment
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 - 23:30
Friday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:30
Supply of Alcohol (on the premises)
Sunday to Thursday 11:00 - 23:30
Friday to Saturday 11:00 - 00:30
Opening hours
Sunday to Thursday 11:00 - 00:00
Friday to Saturday 11:00 - 01:00
· Condition 19 shall remain on the premises licence with no amendment.
And the following conditions to be added to the premises licence:
· The Premises Licence Holder shall submit the Acoustic Report to the Police within 7 days.
Reasons for the decision
The application to vary this premises licence has been partially approved as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
The Sub-committee noted that the Metropolitan Police Service (“the Police”) agreed conditions with the Premises Licence Holder and withdrew their objection.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that apart from the Licensing Authority no other Responsible Authorities raised objections to this Application. The Sub-committee took into account that 9 Other Persons (local residents) objected to the application and 1 Other Person (a local resident) made a representation in support of the application. The Sub-committee carefully considered all the written representations from the local residents.
The Sub-committee took into consideration the representations made by the residents of the block of flats at Hacon Square objecting to the application for later hours that having longer hours would make it a night club not a family pub. The Sub-committee noted the alleged breaches of the premises license were for opening the garden later than the premises are licensed to. The local residents contended that the building still has poor sound proofing which affects local residents causing a disturbance from the beer garden and inside the pub particularly at weekends.
The Sub-committee took into account the local residents' representations that since the premises reopened the Premises Licence Holder has made no efforts to engage with local residents. The Sub-committee noted that the Premises Licence Holder had not developed the ‘local family bar’ that was originally proposed, and no work has been done to make the beer garden a welcoming play area.
The Sub-committee took into consideration the representations made by the Licensing Authority and they took into consideration the Acoustic Report dated 26 September 2024 that had been provided and the recommendations set out in the Report. The Sub-committee felt that it is necessary for the works to be carried out within two months of the issue of the decision to prevent noise nuisance.
The Sub-committee after hearing from the local resident that attended, the Licensing Authority and the Premises Licence Holder’s representative decided not to remove condition 19 from the premises licence. The Sub-committee had concerns that the extended hours in the garden will result in more noise and public nuisance for the local residents that live close to the premises. The Sub-committee was very concerned about the impact any noise coming from the garden area would have on local residents. The Sub-committee felt that the garden area had a tendency for noise to vibrate and disturb local residents above and around the premises. The Sub-committee felt that it was appropriate to keep condition 19 and not make any changes to the use of the garden area.
The Sub-committee had concerns about whether the Premises License Holder had complied with the conditions on the license, and they felt strongly that the Premises License Holder must comply with condition 27 (to carry the requirements of the Acoustic Report), and condition 34 (to provide a Dispersal Policy to the Police and the Licensing Authority) on the premises licence immediately and without further delay.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that local residents' bedrooms overlooked the pub. They considered the potential impact of public nuisance if the premises were open late at night, and the disturbance that a 03:00 license would cause. The Sub-committee felt the proposed extended hours were significantly outside of the Licensing Policy LP3, and that by reducing the hours on Friday and Saturdays this would help to reduce the impact on local residents. The Sub-committee noted that the premises operated a number of temporary events without incident.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the premises currently had
SIA security staff at the premises until 30 minutes after closing the premises each day.
Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this partial variation to the premises licence that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
Public Informative
The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to reduce noise nuisance, and prevent any negative impact in the area.
Wards affected: London Fields;
05/11/2024 - Application for a Premises Licence: Hackney Chinese Community, 12-14 Englefield Road London N14LS ref: 8111 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee D
Made at meeting: 05/11/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee D
Decision published: 08/01/2025
Effective from: 05/11/2024
The decision of 5th November 2024
The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:
· The prevention of crime and disorder
· Public safety
· Prevention of public nuisance
· The protection of children from harm
The application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report:
· The hours for licensable activities at the premises, shall be:
Sale of Alcohol (on the premises)
Monday - Sunday 11:00 - 22:00
Opening hours of the premises
Monday - Sunday 11:00 - 22:00
· Condition 23 to be amended and read as follows:
Condition 23.1
" The supply of alcohol for consumption in the garden on the premises
shall be ancillary to the sale of food".
Condition 23.2
" Alcohol shall not be sold, supplied, or consumed inside the premises otherwise than to persons who are taking substantial table meals and that the consumption of alcohol by such persons is ancillary to taking such meals.".
And the following additional condition:
On Sundays after 20:00 there shall be no use of the garden for any activities.
Reasons for the decision
The application for a premises licence has been approved, as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
The Sub-committee took into consideration written representations from 2 Other Persons (local residents) on the grounds of the four licensing objectives in particular public nuisance and anti-social behaviour. The Sub-committee noted that there were no objections from the Responsible Authorities including the Police, and the Applicant had agreed conditions with the Environmental Protection Service and the Health Authority prior to the hearing.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the premises are located in close proximity to a residential area, and that the premises will be operating within core hours in accordance with the Council's Licensing Policy LP3.
The Sub-committee took into account the representations made by the Applicant that the premises had been transformed into something for the community. The Applicant made representations that the premises would not be used for excessive alcohol consumption, and the Designated Premises Supervisor and trained staff would ensure there was no negative impact on the area. The Applicant made representations that alcohol will very rarely be served in the garden only when they have parties. It was noted that a lunch club met regularly outside which was successful and no issues or complaints were received.
The Sub-committee took into consideration the Applicant’s representations that once the outside area is closed local residents will not hear the music, and they will not be disturbed. It was noted that on Sundays there will not be many activities, mainly exercise classes, because they hold religious services.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Applicant is an experienced operator who has previously run a restaurant, and they felt the Applicant would be a responsible operator. It was noted that the restaurant was mainly indoors.
The Sub-committee felt the Applicant demonstrated that they were willing to work with local residents, and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any antisocial behaviour or public nuisance. The Sub-committee took into account that the Applicant had engaged with local residents and tried to address any concerns in advance of the hearing.
Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this premises licence that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
Public Informatives
1. The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any public nuisance or negative impact in the area.
2. The Premises Licence holder is encouraged to use sustainable cutlery, plates, cups, food containers, and recyclable disposable materials and to avoid using single-use plastic disposable items.
Wards affected: De Beauvoir;
12/12/2024 - The Hungry Yak, 499 Kingsland Road, E8 4AU ref: 8110 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee E
Made at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee E
Decision published: 08/01/2025
Effective from: 12/12/2024
The decision of 12th December 2024
The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:
· The prevention of crime and disorder
· Public safety
· Prevention of public nuisance
· The protection of children from harm
The application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report with the following amendments:
· Remove conditions 17 and 21 from the premises licence.
Reasons for the decision
The application for a premises licence has been approved, as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
The Sub-committee took into consideration written representations from 1 Other Persons (a local resident) relating to concerns about the planning permission for the premises. The Sub-committee noted that there were no objections from the Responsible Authorities including the Police, the Licensing Authority and the Planning Authority.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the premises are small with a capacity of 20, and that the premises will be operating within core hours in accordance with the Councils Licensing Policy LP3.
The Sub-committee took into account the representations made by the Applicant’s legal representative that addressed the concerns raised by the local resident.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Licensing and Planning are separate regimes and their decision on the application for a premises licence will not have any bearing on the decisions made by the Planning Authority for planning permission. The Applicant is reminded that they have a duty to obtain the necessary Planning consent before operating the premises licence. The Sub-committee noted that the Licensing Authority raised no concerns regarding the Applicant’s planning permission.
Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this premises licence that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
Public Informatives
The Premises Licence Holder is reminded of the need to operate the premises according to any current planning permission relating to its use class, conditions and to regularise the hours as required.
It also should be noted for the public record that the local planning authority should draw no inference or be bound by this decision with regard to any future planning application which may be made.
The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any public nuisance or negative impact in the area.
The Premises Licence holder is encouraged to use sustainable cutlery, plates, cups, food containers, and recyclable disposable materials and to avoid using single-use plastic disposable items.
Wards affected: De Beauvoir;
06/01/2025 - Delegated Powers Report - Hackney Light and Power Residential Solar PV Pilot - Contract Award for Noting ref: 8104 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
That Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee note the report.
06/01/2025 - CHE S395 Clissold House Cafe Procurement EXEMPT Appendices 1-3 ref: 8109 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
06/01/2025 - CHE S395 Clissold House Cafe Procurement ref: 8103 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
That Cabinet Procurement Insourcing Committee approve:
The award of a concessions contract and a
lease (relating to the operation of a concession at the
Clissold House Cafe and the occupation
of such premises) to Operator A for a period, in each case, of 5
years (with an option exerciseable by
the Council to extend the term by a further 2 years), with the
contract commencing in February 2025.
Note that a Low Risk Business Case requesting approval to carry out the procurement process was signed by the Director of Environment and Climate Change on 11 June 2024.
Reason(s) For Decision / Options Appraisal
One of Hackney's best loved parks, Clissold Park was opened in 1889 and has held a Green Flag award since 2006. Green Flags are awarded annually to the best green spaces in the country. Clissold Park and House were renovated in 2011 as part of an £8.9 million Heritage Lottery Fund restoration project. Clissold House ?is a Grade II* listed building in the middle of Clissold Park that hosts community bookings, weddings, meetings and parties.
The cafe was previously operated by Deep Beat Entertainment who went into administration and ceased operating in Spring 2024. When operating, the cafe is open to the public seven days a week (except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) from at least 8.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. As well as being a popular destination for park users, the cafe contributes income to the Parks and Green Spaces Service, helping to pay for the maintenance of Clissold Park and other green spaces across Hackney.
The contract with the current service provider ended in November 2024, and a new operator is required to run the cafe from February 2025 for a period of five years, with the potential to extend for two years.
Alternative Options
(Considered and Rejected)
As part of the Business Case approved prior to the procurement process, the following options were considered:
In-sourcing the catering provision was deemed to be unfeasible for this service. An in-sourcing report has been appended to this report in Exempt Appendix 3.
Do nothing – the previous caterer has gone into administration and is no longer operating in Clissold House. This is therefore not an option.
06/01/2025 - CHE S420 Voids Utility Management Provision - Concession Contract ref: 8102 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
That the Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee approved:
The procurement of a Void Utility Management
provider under a concession contract to provide void utility
management services, at nil cost to the Council.
Options Appraisal And Business Case (Reasons For
The Building Maintenance Voids team deals with c. 430 properties per year, updating, decorating and preparing Council properties to be re-let to Hackney residents. The Void co-ordinators spend a disproportionate amount of time ensuring the utility accounts for the previous resident have been closed down and any debt cleared, and then arranging the new supply for the incoming resident.
This activity was previously administered by British Gas up until 2021 before they ceased to provide the service. This has added an administrative burden to the Void team, with the net effect of increasing the length of time that a property is Voided. It is estimated that sourcing a provider for this activity could help return Void properties to market a week earlier.
As part of the service provided, we would expect the provider to ensure that electricity and gas meters are upgraded to the latest Smart Meter technology.
This paper seeks permission to approach the market to find a supplier to provide this service on behalf of the Void team.
Due to the current cost of living crisis, the Building Maintenance service has seen an increase in the number of gas meters that have no credit on them, which prevents gas operatives from performing their annual gas appliance servicing compliance activity. They are then required to “Cap” the gas meter, which means the resident is not able to use any gas appliance (including the boiler), until the gas meter has been “uncapped” and the resident’s appliances serviced.
As part of this procurement we would seek a Void Utility Management provider that will provide support to vulnerable residents, to help reduce the number of gas meters that are being capped within Hackney’s housing portfolio. We would expect the provider to work with the resident who finds themselves in financial difficulty, signposting to relevant support services including the Financial Inclusion team at Hackney Council.
The chosen provider will be in a position to offer their gas & electricity supply product to the resident, benefiting financially from being the chosen provider, hence the reason for this being a concession contract. The resident will still retain the option to contract with a provider of their choice and not the provider that gets awarded this contract. This is a risk that the selected provider will need to contend with.
An initial search of the market place has identified that there are a few providers that offer Void Utility Management services, however it is unclear how many provide additional support to vulnerable residents, which is a key requirement for this procurement exercise.
Preferred Option
Going to market to find a Void Utility provider, who will also provide support for vulnerable residents, is a key requirement to move the Building Maintenance Void service forward. The specialised nature of the activity lends itself to being performed by a dedicated service provider, which would enable the Void team to focus on preparing the Void property so that it can be re-let to a Hackney resident. The Council should see a net benefit from the anticipated reduction in the Void duration. It is anticipated that void properties could be returned to the market a week earlier which could bring in an additional £139.73 per property (£70k per annum).
There is no cost to outsourcing this activity as the provider will be in a position to market their services to the resident moving into the property. It is estimated that the provider will be able to make a profit of £100 per supply at a property, (£200 if both gas and electricity are supplied to the resident). The concessionary value of the contract is calculated based on the provider being referred up to 500 void properties per year, with average annual revenue of £1,690 per property (the average cost of electricity and gas for an average 3 bed property from 01/04/2024). As Void properties will be sent to the provider over the course of a year, it is assumed that this will result in a half year of revenue for the provider for new customers in each year.
Refer to assumptions figures as set out in the main report.
It is expected that the support provided by the concessionaire will mean fewer Hackney residents end up in crisis situations due to them not being able to pay for their gas and electricity supplies.
A provider who will install new smart meters in all void properties will be a huge benefit to helping the Borough to become a greener place to live. It will reduce the number of visits that a service provider will have to make to the property, whilst also giving much more visibility to the resident of their energy usage, which could help them to change their behaviour over time to reduce their energy usage and expenditure.
In order to optimise value for our residents while minimising direct costs to the Council, the adoption of an Open Tender Procedure for this concession contract is paramount. The implementation of an Open procedure aligns with our commitment to transparency, fairness, and competition, thereby ensuring the most advantageous and cost-effective outcome for all stakeholders involved
Alternative Options (Considered and Rejected)
Do Nothing:
This option was rejected as it would prevent the Void service from moving forward, improving the Void turnaround time and providing a better resident experience.
Recruit an additional Void co-ordinator to focus solely on the Utility disconnection and connections process. This option was also rejected as it would not deliver on the secondary objective of sourcing support for vulnerable residents. It would also result in an extra unnecessary step in the upgrading of meters at the property to smart technology. Recruitment of additional staff would also add an additional cost to the service, which contrasts unfavourably with the zero cost of finding an external provider to manage the service at no cost.
Framework Call-off:
An initial search for a compliant framework suitable for this concessions tender yielded no viable options.
06/01/2025 - CHE S439 Hackney Leisure Management Contract - Agency Agreement EXEMPT Appendix 1 ref: 8108 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
06/01/2025 - CHE S439 Hackney Leisure Management Contract - Agency Agreement ref: 8101 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
The Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee approved:
1. The variation to the Leisure Management Contract between the Council and Greenwich Leisure Limited (“GLL”), for GLL to run the leisure centres as an agent rather than a principal for the remainder of the current contract term, as outlined in paragraph 5.1 of the report; and
2. Delegate authority to the Group Director - Climate, Homes & Economy in consultation with the Interim Group Director - Finance and the Director - Legal, Democratic & Electoral Services to agree the terms of and enter into all necessary legal documentation in relation thereto.
Options Appraisal and Business Case (Reasons For Decision)
Leisure Management Contract Agency Model
– Concept
The Council’s Contract with GLL is a “traditional” (concession) leisure contract, where the Council leases the leisure facilities to GLL for a peppercorn rent, and GLL operates the facilities as principal providing the leisure services to the public. GLL retains the income from the leisure facilities and pays the Council an agreed share of any surplus generated.
As GLL provides the leisure facilities to the public as principal, the VAT liability of the sporting income is defined by GLL’s status. As an eligible body for the provision of sport, some of GLL’s supplies are exempt from output VAT and some are liable to output VAT at the standard rate. GLL is therefore required to undertake a partial exemption calculation to determine how much input VAT it is able to reclaim on the costs incurred in running the services. The irrecoverable portion of input VAT is incurred as a cost and is reflected in the costs of the services between GLL and the Council.
It is believed that up to 2023, the above arrangement represented the most VAT efficient route legally available, with the benefit of VAT exempt income outweighing the irrecoverable portion of input VAT.
However, following a court ruling in favour of local authorities and the determination that treating leisure services as non-business would not distort competition; HMRC issued Brief 3 in March 2023. The Brief makes it clear that a local authority' s income direct from users from the provision of leisure services can be treated as ‘non-business’ for VAT purposes, rather than ‘exempt’. This is the key change of circumstances from which the Agency Model opportunity is derived.
The change to HMRC policy potentially provides the Council, and its current partner GLL, with an opportunity to implement an arrangement, the ‘Agency Model’, with benefits to both parties by way of reduced costs, whilst protecting the Council’s risk position.
Under the Agency Model, GLL would become the Council’s agent for income collection. GLL would continue to commission / provide services and staff to run the centres. The Agency Model would result in GLL providing a standard rated, taxable service to the Council - that is the combination of the management of the leisure facilities and the provision of staff and services. This would then allow GLL to reclaim all of the input VAT it incurs on attributable expenditure.
Due to the changes in the VAT liability of supplies of leisure services by local authorities, there would be no adverse impact on the Council’s VAT recovery position such that VAT should remain recoverable in full and therefore there will be an overall ‘saving’ on the basis of moving from a position where GLL can recover VAT only partially, to one where full VAT recovery is achieved for both parties, with no additional cost for the users.
Leisure Management Contract Agency Model – In Practice
Under the Agency Model, the income from the leisure facilities would be income for the Council and any VAT that is due on that income would need to be paid by the Council to HMRC as part of its VAT returns.
As the provision of leisure by a local authority is now considered to be a non-business supply, any VAT charged by GLL to the Council for running the leisure facilities, and in relation to the costs of the facilities themselves, should be recoverable.
Under the Agency Model, GLL would still collect all customer sales income, but will be acting on behalf of the Council. GLL would provide a remittance note to the Council for this income.
GLL would also invoice the Council for service costs plus GLL’s margin as per the Contract; adjusted by any income under or over-performance to ensure GLL retains this key element of risk. The Council would be able to recover the VAT on this invoice.
The actual movement of funds (cash) will be an off-set between points above; whose quantum would be similar to at present, with the added financial benefit of the impact of the Agency Model (see paragraph 5.8 of main report). The surplus share mechanism would be retained under the Agency Model.
The Council recognises that sport and physical activity together with a quality leisure provision plays an integral part in the achievement of this vision and priorities. In particular, improving leisure provision contributes towards the achievement of at least three of the above themes - no. 1, 3 and 5.
The development of new facilities, such as the new Britannia Leisure Centre, has raised expectations and acted as a catalyst for further change to provide modern, cost-effective facilities and services that meet the needs of the local community.
Access to quality sport and leisure facilities is an essential requirement in improving the health and wellbeing of the local community. There are a number of ways access can be improved but fundamentally it involves providing the right facilities in the right place at the right price. Access to quality facilities for all residents is key to delivering the Council’s Community Strategy priorities (particularly ‘A borough with healthy, active and independent residents’).
Preferred Option
For GLL to operate the Council’s leisure facilities, which form part of the LMC, as an agent rather than a principal in order to deliver ongoing savings.
Alternative Options (Considered and Rejected)
The following alternative options have been
considered and rejected for the reasons outlined below:
Do nothing: GLL would continue to operate the Council’s leisure facilities for the remaining 5 years of the current LMC i.e. up to 31st March 2029, at nil cost to the Council. However, the Council would not benefit from the significant financial savings to be achieved from implementing the ‘Agency Model’, as outlined in paragraph 5.8 of the Exempt Appendix 1 to this report.
Termination of current contract and procurement of new operator: Termination of the current contract was considered but rejected as an option for the following reasons:
The operational and financial performance of the incumbent operator
(GLL), together with service improvements over the years, would not
support termination on the grounds of deficiencies in quality or
service provision;
The potential risk of legal challenge by GLL due to the early and
potentially unsubstantiated termination of the LMC;
The financial implications of compensation payments to GLL for
early termination of the contract; and
IV. The risks associated with the appointment of a new and essentially unknown leisure operator together with the additional and unbudgeted procurement costs.
As this is an existing long term contract and the proposed Agency Model with GLL will secure savings for the 2025/26 financial year and ongoing (as outlined in the attached Exempt Appendix 1 to this report), without adversely affecting the on-going delivery or quality of service to local residents, no further options were explored.
06/01/2025 - Exempt Minutes of the Previous Meeting of the Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee ref: 8107 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
06/01/2025 - Urgent Exempt Business ref: 8106 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
06/01/2025 - Exclusion of the Public and Press ref: 8105 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
The press and public be excluded from the proceedings of the Cabinet Procurement Committee during consideration of Exempt items 10 - 13 on the agenda on the grounds that it is likely, in the view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that were members of the public to be present, there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended.
06/01/2025 - Unrestricted Minutes of the Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee ref: 8099 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
That the unrestricted minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2024 be approved as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
06/01/2025 - Deputations/Petitions/Questions ref: 8098 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
No deputations, petitions and questions were received or heard by the Committee.
06/01/2025 - Notice if Intention to Conduct Business in Private and Representations Received ref: 8100 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
No representations were received.
06/01/2025 - Urgent Business ref: 8097 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
No urgent business was considered.
06/01/2025 - Declarations of Interest ref: 8096 For Determination
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
There were no declarations of interest.
31/10/2024 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting ref: 7978 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the previous meetings were agreed as a correct record.
31/10/2024 - External Audit Completion Report 2023-24 ref: 7982 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the report were noted.
31/10/2024 - Unaudited Statement of Accounts 2023-24 ref: 7981 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
1. The Council’s 2023/24 Statement of Accounts, subject to the finalisation of audit processes, were approved.
2. The Annual Governance Statement, contained within the Statement of Accounts, were considered and approved.
31/10/2024 - Audit and Anti-Fraud Progress Report ref: 7989 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The progress and performance of the Audit & Anti Fraud Service to 30 September 2024 (Appendices 1 - 4) were considered and noted.
31/10/2024 - Performance Update ref: 7988 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The Risk Management Scorecard in Appendix 1 and the current capital monitoring update in Appendix 2 were considered.
31/10/2024 - Corporate Risk Strategy and Policy ref: 7987 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the report and the attached Policy and Strategy were approved and ratified.
31/10/2024 - Finance and Corporate Resources Risk Register ref: 7986 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the report and the attached risk registers and controls in place were noted.
31/10/2024 - Chief Executive’s Directorate Risk Register ref: 7985 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the report and the Chief Executive’s Directorate Risk Register, attached at Appendix 1, were noted.
31/10/2024 - Treasury Management Update ref: 7984 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the report and the appendices were noted.
31/10/2024 - Finance Update ref: 7983 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The update on the overall financial position was noted.
31/10/2024 - Auditor’s Annual Report 2021-22 & 2022-23 ref: 7980 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The contents of the Auditor’s reports were noted.
31/10/2024 - To Note the Updated Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee ref: 7979 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: That the terms of reference were noted.
31/10/2024 - Audit Committee Work Programme ref: 7990 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Audit Committee
Made at meeting: 31/10/2024 - Audit Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 31/10/2024
RESOLVED: The proposed work programme was noted.
06/01/2025 - Apologies for Absence ref: 8095 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Made at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 06/01/2025
There were no apologies.