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Agenda and decisions

Venue: Until further notice, all Licensing Sub-Committee hearings will be held remotely

Contact: Email: 


No. Item


Election of Chair


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest - Members to declare as appropriate


Minutes of the Previous Meeting


Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure pdf icon PDF 69 KB


Application for a Premises Licence: Malavenda Cafe, Unit 6, 1E Mentmore Terrace, London, E8 3DQ pdf icon PDF 11 MB

  Ward: London Fields




The Decision of 11th November 2024


The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and at the hearing today and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:


·  The prevention of crime and disorder

·  Public safety

·  Prevention of public nuisance

·  The protection of children from harm


The amended application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report:


·  The hours for licensable activities at the premises, shall be:


Sale of Alcohol (on and off the premises)


Sunday      11:00 - 21:30

Monday to Thursday    12:00 - 22:00

Friday      12:00 - 22:30

Saturday  11:00 - 22:30


Opening hours of the premises 


Sunday      08:00 - 22:00

Monday to Thursday    07:00 - 22:30

Friday      07:00 - 23:00

Saturday      08:00 - 23:00



And the following additional condition:


·  The Premises Licence Holder shall submit a written Dispersal Policy including crowd control requirements for approval to the Licensing Authority and the Police. The approved Dispersal Policy shall be implemented at the premises. All staff shall be briefed on this Dispersal Policy. A copy of the Policy shall be kept on the premises and shall be produced to a Police officer or other authorised officer upon request.


Reasons for the Decision


The amended application for a premises licence has been approved, as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. 


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Metropolitan Police Service (“the Police”), the Environmental Protection Service and Environmental Enforcement Service had withdrawn their representations, and agreed conditions with the Applicant in advance of the hearing. The Sub-committee noted that there were no other objections from the other Responsible Authorities.


The Sub-committee took into consideration the 7 objections to the application from Other Persons (local residents) under the four licensing objectives. The Sub-committee took into consideration the concerns raised by local residents about the premises operating until 23:00, which would have a negative impact on the local residents and their families that live above the premises. The local residents contended that the late hours would increase crime and disorder, anti-social behaviour, and public nuisance in the residential area. In addition, the local residents made representations that the premises would impact the public safety, and well-being of the local residents, and it would change the structure of the residential area including patrons smoking outside the premises and blocking the entrance to their residential building.


The Sub-committee took into account the representations made by the Applicant’s legal representative that this was an Italian family business. The premises sold pastries and pasta. The Applicant has an open door policy for all local residents to raise their concerns about the premises. The Applicant carried out a consultation and there was no response from local residents. The Applicant has amended the operating hours ending licensable activity at 22:00 on Monday to Thursday and closing at 22:30, and on Sundays  ...  view the full decision text for item 6.


Application for a Premises Licence: Draughts, 41 Kingsland High Street, London, E8 2JS

  Ward: Dalston


  The application for a premises licence was approved under delegated authority following the publication of the agenda pack and before the Sub-Committee meeting.


  The application for a premises licence was approved under delegated authority following the publication of the agenda pack and before the Sub-Committee meeting.


Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item