Agenda and decisions
Venue: Council Chamber, Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street, London E8 1EA. View directions
Contact: Tessa Mitchell
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Decision: Cllr Kennedy, Cllr Moema and Cllr Maxwell |
Urgent Business The Chair will consider the admission of any late items of Urgent Business. (Late items of Urgent Business will be considered under the agenda item where they appear. New items of Urgent Business will be dealt with under Item XX below. New items of exempt business will be dealt with at Item XX below).
Decision: No urgent business raised. |
Declarations of Interest - Members to declare as appropriate Members are invited to consider the guidance which accompanies this agenda and make declarations of interest as appropriate. Decision: With respect to Agenda Item 11, CED S167 Hackney a Place for Everyone – Voluntary and Community Sector Grants 2023/24 the following members of Cabinet declared an interest:
Mayor Glanville, Deputy Mayor Bramble, Cllr Fajana-Thomas, Cllr Kennedy, Cllr Williams and Cllr Coban.
With respect to Agenda Item 17, School Governor Appointment – The Garden School, the Mayor declared an interest. |
Notice of Intention to Conduct Business in Private, Any Representations Received and the Response to Such Representations On occasions part of the Cabinet meeting will be held in private and will not be open to the public if an item is being considered that is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt or confidential information. In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 (the “Regulations”), members of the public can make representations about why that part of the meeting should be open to the public.
This agenda contains exempt items as set out at Item [22] : Exclusion of the Press and Public. No representations with regard to these have been received.
This is the formal 5 clear day notice under the Regulations to confirm that this Cabinet meeting will be partly held in private for the reasons set out in this Agenda.
Decision: None received. |
Questions/Deputations At the time of the publication of this agenda there were none received. Decision: Since the publication of the agenda questions were received from former Councillor, Mr Vincent Stops with respect to agenda item Agenda Item 15 on the 3 Year Local Implementation Plan.
One of Mr Stops’ questions was taken together with Agenda Item 15. A written response will be provided for his second question. |
Unrestricted Minutes of the Previous Meeting of Cabinet PDF 121 KB To agree the minutes of the previous meeting of Cabinet held on 12 December 2022. Decision: The unrestricted minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 12 December 2022 were agreed. |
New items of Unrestricted Urgent Business To consider any items admitted at Item 2 above.
Decision: There were none. |
FCR S095 Capital Update and Property Disposals And Acquisitions Report PDF 152 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve:
1. The scheme for Climate, Homes & Economy as set out in section 11 of the report as follows:-
Millfields Depot CCTV Cameras, Shutters and Emergency
Generator: Spend approval of £246k in 2023/24 and resource
and spend approval of £134k in 2023/24 is requested to
upgrade and install a new CCTV system and six ANPR cameras; six new
waste transfer station shutters; and install a new emergency
generator. b.
Local Implementation
Plan (LIP) TfL funded
Scheme: Resource and spend approval of
£1,058k in 2022/23 is requested to fund the first year of the
three year Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme to be
considered for approval under a separate item at this Cabinet
meeting. c.
School Streets:
Resource and spend approval of £1,105k (£360k in
2023/24, £430k in 2024/25 and £315k in 2025/26) is
requested to fund the implementation of 17 school streets
scheme. d. Connecting Green Spaces - St Thomas Long Burial Ground: Spend approval of £100k in 2022/23 is requested to deliver a new entrance into St Thomas Long Burial Ground from Well Street, making it easier for people to access the Green Space and move through it.
The s106 scheme as set
out in section 12 of the report. 3.
The capital programme
adjustments as set out in section 13 of the report. 4.
The authorisation of
the Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources to agree the
terms of the simultaneous surrender of the existing leases and
grant of new leases incorporating the loft space for both 5B Sharon
Gardens, E9 7RX and for 76 Fletching Road, E5 9QR shown for
identification purposes only in the Appendices 1-4. 5. The authorisation of the Director of Legal, Democratic and Electoral Services to prepare, agree, settle and sign the legal documentation required to complete the transaction.
FCR S096 2021/22 Overall Financial Position Report - September 2022 PDF 282 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet agree:
To note the update on
the overall financial position for November covering the General
Fund and HRA. 2.
To approve the
proposal, to award a 100% Council Tax exemption to foster carers
paying Hackney Council Tax, effective as from 1st April 2023; and
to amend the Policy for Considering Applications for Council Tax
Reduction under Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act
1992 as Amended by the Local Government Finance Act 2012,
accordingly. The Amended Policy Document as attached at Appendix 1
of the report. 3. To approve a £10 per week contribution towards the Council Tax of foster carers who foster Hackney children but who live outside of the London Borough of Hackney, to be met from the Children and Families Corporate Parenting placement budget. It will be effective from 1st April 2023.
FCR S094 2023/24 Council Taxbase and Local Business Rates Income Report PDF 115 KB The publication of this report was delayed because of the need to reflect the decision on the localised business rates pooling scheme which wasn’t made until after publication date and challenges in preparing the business rates section of the report due to delays in the required software release. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve the recommendations in the report as follows:-
Recommend to Council
that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of
Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated
by Hackney Council as its Council Tax Base for 2023/24 shall be
77,108.86 Band D equivalent properties adjusted for non-collection.
This represents an estimated collection rate of 92.5%. 2. Recommend to Council that in accordance with The Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013 Hackney’s non-domestic rating income for 2023/24 is £161,803,507 subject to completion of the 2023-24 NNDR1 return. This comprises three elements.
· £59,639,165 which is payable in agreed instalments to the Greater London Authority · £48,972,654 which is retained by Hackney Council and included as part of its resources when calculating the 2023/24 Council Tax requirement. · £53,191,688 which is payable in agreed instalments to Central Government 3. To note that no changes are proposed to the current CTRS scheme in 2023/24.
Cabinet to recommend to Council to agree:
In accordance with the
Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England)
Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by Hackney Council as its
Council Tax Base for 2023/24 shall be
77,108.86 Band D equivalent properties adjusted for non-collection.
This represents an estimated collection rate of 92.5% 5.
In accordance with The
Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013,
Hackney’s non-domestic rating income for 2023/24 is
£161,803,507 subject to completion of the 2023-24 NNDR1
return. This comprises three elements. · £59,639,165 which is payable in agreed instalments to the Greater London Authority · £48,972,654 which is retained by Hackney Council and included as part of its resources when calculating the 2023/24 Council Tax requirement. · £53,191,688 which is payable in agreed instalments to Central Government
6. To note that no changes are proposed to the current CTRS scheme in 2023/24. |
CED S167 Hackney A Place for Everyone - Voluntary and Community Sector Grants 2023/24 PDF 142 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet approve:
The timetable for the
Hackney Voluntary and Community Sector Open Grants Programme for
2023/24. 2. That the following funding streams can be launched through the programme: a. Community Infrastructure core grants of up to £19,800 per year for two years with allocation of these grants subject to Cabinet approval in July 2023 b. Project Grants (including the Public Health Physical Activity Grants) for up to £20,000 for one or two years from April 2023 c. Community Chest grants for up to £1,000 for one year for short term projects or one-off activities from April 2023 (with four grant rounds spread throughout the year) d.
Children and Young
people activity based grants of up to £20,000 over one year
totalling £225,000 from April 2023 3.
That the funding of
advice services in the borough for three years following an open
and competitive programme as set out in Appendix Two, totalling
£922,500 and the use of remaining advice grant budget to meet
some of the identified gaps in provision. 4.
That the one year
funding for Specialist grants totalling £719,066 as set out
in Appendix One. 5. That in regards to Community Infrastructure grants to a. award a second year of funding (of a total of three) for existing Community Infrastructure organisations at £19,800 each per annum, which includes a 10% uplift (see Appendix One) b. award those organisations in receipt of Community Infrastructure grant in 2022/23 an increase of the in-year funding by £3,000 to provide a total of £18,000 c.
carry over
£25,000 development funding that can be deployed to support
development and capacity building to enable gaps in geography or
community to be addressed. 6.
To set aside
£200,000 of the grant programme budget provision for
financial intervention for organisations at risk of closure and
delegate authority to approve grants to the Head of Policy and
Strategic Delivery in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for
Health, adult social care, voluntary sector and leisure. 7.
To contribute to the
London borough’s grant scheme administered by London Councils
2023/24 and note that the contribution will be in the region of
£208,093. 8. To delegate authority to approve the Project Grants 2023/24 including Community Chest, Physical Activity and Children and Young People’s Grants, as well as the deployment of resources to address and/or meet any gaps in Advice Services or Community Infrastructure grants, to the Head of Policy and Strategic Delivery in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health, adult social care, voluntary sector and leisure, and the Portfolio Holder for education, young people and children’s social care |
CE S132 Children and Families Service Full Year Report to Members 2021-22 PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve:
The recommendation to note the content of the Children and Families Annual Report 2021/2022 (Appendix 1), endorse the report and recommend it to Full Council. |
CE S155 Secure Children’s Home for London and Pan-London Commissioning Vehicle PDF 146 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet
approve: 1.
That the London
Borough of Hackney becomes a member of
a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, provisionally to be
known as the Pan-London Vehicle, to: a.
develop and then
oversee the running of London’s secure children’s home
provision for a five-year period from 1st April 2023 to 31st March
2028, with a break-point after three years once the refreshed
business case has been developed as well as the service pricing
structure, commissioning approach, operating model, practice model
and the SCH’s location is confirmed. Once the provision has launched, membership will
be at a fixed annual cost of £20K (subject to inflation
adjustment), unless an alternative model for funding the PLV, that
does not require an annual subscription, is agreed by members
during the development phase and b. collaborates with other PLV members on future joint commissioning programmes.
2. To commit in principle to joint oversight and risk/benefit sharing of the secure children’s home provision, through the PLV, for a five-year period to 31st March 2028 (with a three-year breakpoint), which includes the build, service development and service commissioning phases, subject to ratification after the provisions of the SCH business case, and renewable on a ten-yearly cycle thereafter, with break-point after five years.
3. To delegate authority to the London Borough of Hackney Group Director for Children and Education in consultation with the Group Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Council’s Monitoring Officer to:
finalise the legal
documents required to set up, join and run the PLV, and b. make the final determination on the Council’s membership of the PLV, following completion of the revised SCH business case and, if appropriate, enter into all the legal agreements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Council required to implement and run any aspect of the PLV arrangements. |
CHE S145 Compact, Partnership Working with Housing Associations PDF 90 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve:
The Hackney Council Housing Associations Compact 2023-2026 as appended in Appendix 1 to the report. |
CHE S152 Cabinet report 3 year Local Implementation Plan (LIP) 22/23 - 24/25 PDF 9 MB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve:
1. The 22/23 - 24/25 Local Implementation Plan Delivery Plan (LIP delivery plan 22/23 - 24/25) and the projects contained within, as set out in Form A (Appendix 1), to meet the requirements set out by the GLA for LIP funding.
2. The delegation of authority to the Head of Streetscene, having consulted the Cabinet member for environment and transport (and subject to certification of the Director, Financial Management, if appropriate), to approve minor amendments to the LIP delivery plan 22/23 - 24/25 following TfL feedback, and prior to final submission by the London Borough of Hackney to TfL (February 2023).
3. The overall programme of investment for 22/23 - 24/25 as set out in the list of schemes (Appendix 2). The projects are summarised below in the list of schemes section as a live document that establishes programmes both funded and unfunded where they aim to deliver existing Hackney policy. |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet note the decision in the report. |
Schedule of Local Authority School Governor appointments PDF 61 KB To consider the appointment of School Governor at The Garden School. Decision: RESOLVED
That the Cabinet approve:
The nomination of Mr James Peters as Governor at The Garden School. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Note from the Governance Team Leader:
Items X ,X and allow for the consideration of exempt information in relation to items 12, 17 and 3 respectively.
That the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting as the items below contain exempt information, as defined under paragraph, 3 & 5 of Part 1, schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Exempt Minutes of the Previous Meeting of Cabinet To confirm and sign the exempt minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on xxxxxxxxxxx as a correct record Decision: There were none. |
New items of exempt urgent business To consider any EXEMPT items admitted at Item 2 above.
Decision: There were none. |