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Decision details

Application for a Premises Licence: Hackney Chinese Community, 12-14 Englefield Road London N14LS

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee D

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The decision of 5th November 2024


The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:


·  The prevention of crime and disorder

·  Public safety

·  Prevention of public nuisance

·  The protection of children from harm


The application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report:


·  The hours for licensable activities at the premises, shall be:


Sale of Alcohol (on the premises)


Monday - Sunday   11:00 - 22:00


Opening hours of the premises 


Monday - Sunday   11:00 - 22:00


·  Condition 23 to be amended and read as follows:


Condition 23.1


" The supply of alcohol for consumption in the garden on the premises

shall be ancillary to the sale of food".


Condition 23.2


" Alcohol shall not be sold, supplied, or consumed inside the premises otherwise than to persons who are taking substantial table meals and that the consumption of alcohol by such persons is ancillary to taking such meals.".


And the following additional condition:


On Sundays after 20:00 there shall be no use of the garden for any activities.


Reasons for the decision


The application for a premises licence has been approved, as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. 


The Sub-committee took into consideration written representations from 2 Other Persons (local residents) on the grounds of the four licensing objectives in particular public nuisance and anti-social behaviour. The Sub-committee noted that there were no objections from the Responsible Authorities including the Police, and the Applicant had agreed conditions with the Environmental Protection Service and the Health Authority prior to the hearing.


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the premises are located in close proximity to a residential area, and that the premises will be operating within core hours in accordance with the Council's Licensing Policy LP3.


The Sub-committee took into account the representations made by the Applicant that the premises had been transformed into something for the community. The Applicant made representations that the premises would not be used for excessive alcohol consumption, and the Designated Premises Supervisor and trained staff would ensure there was no negative impact on the area. The Applicant made representations that alcohol will very rarely be served in the garden only when they have parties. It was noted that a lunch club met regularly outside which was successful and no issues or complaints were received.


The Sub-committee took into consideration the Applicant’s representations that once the outside area is closed local residents will not hear the music, and they will not be disturbed. It was noted that on Sundays there will not be many activities, mainly exercise classes, because they hold religious services.


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Applicant is an experienced operator who has previously run a restaurant, and they felt the Applicant would be a responsible operator. It was noted that the restaurant was mainly indoors.


The Sub-committee felt the Applicant demonstrated that they were willing to work with local residents, and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any antisocial behaviour or public nuisance. The Sub-committee took into account that the Applicant had engaged with local residents and tried to address any concerns in advance of the hearing.


Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this premises licence that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.


Public Informatives


1.  The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any public nuisance or negative impact in the area.


2.  The Premises Licence holder is encouraged to use sustainable cutlery, plates, cups, food containers, and recyclable disposable materials and to avoid using single-use plastic disposable items.

Publication date: 08/01/2025

Date of decision: 05/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/11/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee D

Accompanying Documents: