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Decision details

The Hungry Yak, 499 Kingsland Road, E8 4AU

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee E

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The decision of 12th December 2024


The Licensing Sub-Committee, in considering this decision from the information presented to them within the report and having regard to the promotion of the licensing objectives:


·  The prevention of crime and disorder

·  Public safety

·  Prevention of public nuisance

·  The protection of children from harm


The application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report with the following amendments:


·  Remove conditions 17 and 21 from the premises licence.


Reasons for the decision


The application for a premises licence has been approved, as members of the Licensing Sub-committee were satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined. 


The Sub-committee took into consideration written representations from 1 Other Persons (a local resident) relating to concerns about the planning permission for the premises. The Sub-committee noted that there were no objections from the Responsible Authorities including the Police, the Licensing Authority and the Planning Authority.


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the premises are small with a capacity of 20, and that the premises will be operating within core hours in accordance with the Councils Licensing Policy LP3.


The Sub-committee took into account the representations made by the Applicant’s legal representative that addressed the concerns raised by the local resident. 


The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Licensing and Planning are separate regimes and their decision on the application for a premises licence will not have any bearing on the decisions made by the Planning Authority for planning permission. The Applicant is reminded that they have a duty to obtain the necessary Planning consent before operating the premises licence. The Sub-committee noted that the Licensing Authority raised no concerns regarding the Applicant’s planning permission.


Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this premises licence that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.


Public Informatives


The Premises Licence Holder is reminded of the need to operate the premises according to any current planning permission relating to its use class, conditions and to regularise the hours as required.


It also should be noted for the public record that the local planning authority should draw no inference or be bound by this decision with regard to any future planning application which may be made.


The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any public nuisance or negative impact in the area.


The Premises Licence holder is encouraged to use sustainable cutlery, plates, cups, food containers, and recyclable disposable materials and to avoid using single-use plastic disposable items.

Publication date: 08/01/2025

Date of decision: 12/12/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee E

Accompanying Documents: