Decision details
CHE S395 Clissold House Cafe Procurement
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That Cabinet Procurement Insourcing Committee approve:
The award of a concessions contract and a
lease (relating to the operation of a concession at the
Clissold House Cafe and the occupation
of such premises) to Operator A for a period, in each case, of 5
years (with an option exerciseable by
the Council to extend the term by a further 2 years), with the
contract commencing in February 2025.
Note that a Low Risk Business Case requesting approval to carry out the procurement process was signed by the Director of Environment and Climate Change on 11 June 2024.
Reason(s) For Decision / Options Appraisal
One of Hackney's best loved parks, Clissold Park was opened in 1889 and has held a Green Flag award since 2006. Green Flags are awarded annually to the best green spaces in the country. Clissold Park and House were renovated in 2011 as part of an £8.9 million Heritage Lottery Fund restoration project. Clissold House ?is a Grade II* listed building in the middle of Clissold Park that hosts community bookings, weddings, meetings and parties.
The cafe was previously operated by Deep Beat Entertainment who went into administration and ceased operating in Spring 2024. When operating, the cafe is open to the public seven days a week (except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) from at least 8.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. As well as being a popular destination for park users, the cafe contributes income to the Parks and Green Spaces Service, helping to pay for the maintenance of Clissold Park and other green spaces across Hackney.
The contract with the current service provider ended in November 2024, and a new operator is required to run the cafe from February 2025 for a period of five years, with the potential to extend for two years.
Alternative Options
(Considered and Rejected)
As part of the Business Case approved prior to the procurement process, the following options were considered:
In-sourcing the catering provision was deemed to be unfeasible for this service. An in-sourcing report has been appended to this report in Exempt Appendix 3.
Do nothing – the previous caterer has gone into administration and is no longer operating in Clissold House. This is therefore not an option.
Publication date: 07/01/2025
Date of decision: 06/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 06/01/2025 - Cabinet Procurement and Insourcing Committee
Accompanying Documents: