Decision details
Premises Licence: Playhouse,258 Kingsland Road, London, E8 4DG
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The decision of 29th August 2024
The Licensing Sub-Committee in considering this decision from the information
presented to it within the report and at the hearing has determined that having regard to the promotion of all the licensing objectives:
· The prevention of crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Prevention of public nuisance; and
· The protection of children from harm,
the application for a premises licence has been approved in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the proposed conditions set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report, with the following amendments:
· The hours for licensable activities at the premises, shall be:
Sale of Alcohol (on the premises)
Sunday to Thursday 11:00 - 22:40
Friday to Saturday 11:00 - 23:39
Recorded Music
Friday to Saturday 11:00 - 23:39
Opening hours of the premises
Sunday to Thursday 07:00 - 23:00
Friday to Saturday 07:00 - 23:59
And the following conditions:
· There shall be no open containers or glass containers or drinks taken outside the premises at any time.
· The Licensee shall provide a written dispersal policy to the Licensing Authority and the Police. All staff shall be briefed on this dispersal policy. A copy of the policy shall be kept on the premises and shall be produced to a police officer or other authorised officer upon request.
Reasons for the decision
The application for a premises licence has been approved because the Licensing Sub-committee was satisfied that the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Applicant agreed to conditions with the Environmental Enforcement Service and their objection was withdrawn. The Sub-committee noted that no other Responsible Authorities made representations.
The Sub-committee took into account the written representations and concerns
raised by 2 Other Persons (local residents) on the grounds of the four licensing
objectives in a residential area.
The Sub-committee took into consideration representations from Applicant’s Agent that this application went through an extended consultation for nine weeks due to an error in the publication of the statutory newspaper notice which was beyond their control, and pre-consultation was undertaken. No concerns were raised by the Environmental Protection Service. The Sub-committee noted that the premises was in a state of disrepair and heavy investment was needed. The Applicant’s Agent made submissions that the premises was not going to be a pub in the round playhouse theatre. The Applicant wanted to continue working in the round theatre with young and local people and supporting the community. The Sub-committee noted that the Planning issues have been dealt with separately by the Applicant. The Sub-committee also noted that the Police had no concerns about the drinking up time, and the red line plan of the premises took into account the external area.
After considering the representations from the local residents and the Applicant’s Agent the Sub-committee felt satisfied with the amendments to the application agreed by the Applicant that included a 20 minute drinking up time and a no open containers condition for drinks outside of the premises at any time. In addition the Sub-committee was satisfied that a dispersal policy would be submitted to ensure that the dispersal from the premises is carried out in an orderly fashion.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that the Applicant was intending the
premises to be a cafe and community hub during the day and operate theatre events in the evening. The theatre shows end before 23:00. The Sub-committee noted that the basement was not included in the application and the capacity of the premises is about 150 for both the first floor and the ground floor where the cafe will be. The Sub-committee took into account that the daytime capacity is about 70 in the café depending on the layout of the furniture and the Sub-committee was satisfied that the Applicant would operate the premises responsibly.
The Sub-committee took into consideration the representations and the concerns raised by local residents and conditions were added to the premises licence to mitigate those concerns.
The Sub-committee took into consideration that each application is considered on its own merits.
Having taken all of the above factors into consideration the Sub-committee was satisfied that by granting this premises licence the licensing objectives would not be undermined.
Public Informatives
1. The Premises Licence Holder is further reminded of the need to operate the premises according to any current planning permission and consents relating to its use class, conditions and to regularise the hours as required.
2. It also should be noted for the public record that the local planning authority should draw no inference or be bound by this decision with regard to any future planning application which may be made.
3. The Premises Licence Holder is encouraged to work with local residents and the Responsible Authorities to prevent any public nuisance or negative impact in the area.
Publication date: 18/11/2024
Date of decision: 29/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 29/08/2024 - Licensing Sub Committee A
Accompanying Documents: